Labradors grow into large, powerful dogs. The owners are responsible for ensuring that their dog had behaved properly, no one interfered or threatened.
Well-bred Labrador should be obedient to its owner at any time and predictably behave in everyday surroundings, in the city on public transport or in a restaurant. It is important to get the dog nearby you. If you meet a stranger and your Labrador is not well trained, it should advance to take on a short leash.
In general, Labrador Retrievers are friendly towards humans and tend to over-expression of sympathy to any strangers. However, that do not always meet with reciprocal love as usually people are afraid of dogs.
Common Rules
Here, we present the most important rules that are at training you need to be emphasized:
- Stay calm and consistent.
- If the dog has learned the command, it must execute it from the first time.
- Start always and end the training with exercise that the dog has learned.
- Force a dog to do the exercises accurately.
- You should increase the number of exercise only after being sure that your pet has already learned earlier ones.
- Try to give only the command and name of your dog (eg: you want your dog to sit, but it is lying on the same place. In this case, you can pull the collar up and repeat: “Ches, sit down!” Do not say, “Do not lie, but let’s sit down!” It only will confuse the dog).
- Organize a variety of activities.
- Do not forget to remove the command. Always start a new exercise in the house and gradually expand the space. If you cannot take a course at the special dog training club, try to find another dog owner who can from time to time practice together with your dog. It is doing in order your dog to learn to obey in the presence of other dogs.
Required Equipment
Now you need to train a dog outfit satellite:
- adjustable collar or unregulated;
- adjustable length of the leash (not automatic!);
- 500-gram mannequin.
While working with very wayward or recalcitrant dogs, as well as the ratio of the dog and human forces unequally, it makes sense to use the so-called temper or pinch collar. This collar, which looks more intimidating than it actually is, undeservedly bad reputation.
They cannot hurt Labrador as “spikes” blunted and bent at an angle from the inside. Nevertheless, they are short dash strongly, evenly press on the neck, and thus very efficiently mimic the educational bite the scruff.
When used properly, if the leash will be held in two metal rings, such a collar even appear advantages over conventional protracted collar – the point is that it do not choke the dog.