There are about 21 identified and recognized dog breeds originated in Russia. Among them are sled dogs, hunting dogs, sight hounds, herding dogs and guard dogs.
In this article we are going to introduce you to the most well-known dog breeds from Russia.
Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier firstly originated in the USSR in 1940s as the result of 17 breeds mixing. Mainly it was used as military working dog. The Black Russian Terrier looks like a Giant Schnauzer, but its body is much massive.
This Terrier is 64-72 cm at the shoulder and is available in 2 coat types: long-haired and short-haired Terrier (the only accepted colors are black and black grayish).
What concerns its temperament, the dog is fearless, aggressive, but trainable. Russian Terriers are perfect watch dogs and body guards if taught properly.
Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)
Central Asian Shepherd Dog is an ancient dog breeds originated from Central Asia region, historically used as working and guarding dogs. CAO is a strong, health and durable dog of considerable size. This dog has a coat of medium-length with thick undercoat.
Samoyed was bred by Samoyede people of Northern Siberia as sledge dog. Its thick coat kept it warm and safe during the extremely harsh winter conditions (however, this type of coat needs a lot of grooming). Samoyeds are affectionate, lively and cheerful dogs who will be a perfect choice even for the families with small children.
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky is also Russian sledge dog with ancient history. These dogs are strong and durable; they are able to run for hours without getting tired. The dog is recognizable by its thickly furred double coat and erected ears.
Siberian Husky are not very big: an approximate weight of a Husky male is about 20-27 kg.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a powerful dog with a heavy, muscular body and thick coat that protects this dog against the harsh weather conditions. This breed is known to be rather aggressive towards people and pets, so this trait makes Caucasian Shepherd dog a perfect choice for guarding purposes.
Russian Toy Terrier
Russian Toy Terrier is a pocket dog breed measuring between 20 cm and 28 cm and weighing between 1-3 kg. It was assumingly created from crosses between English Toy Terriers and Papillons.
Russian Toy Terrier is a lively and cheerful dog โ a perfect companion who will be always near its master.
Russian Spaniel
This breed was standardized in 1951 as a mixture of English Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel and other Spaniels. The Russian Spaniel is a small, sturdy dog with a short, tight, silky coat.
The dog comes in a great variety of colors. Males and females weight about 13-15 kg, and 38-43 cm at the withers. Russian Spaniels are perfect for flushing games in the marsh and field.
This was the list of the most popular Russian dog breeds, who are also well known worldwide.