Schnauzer and Shih Tzu Mix: Size, Lifespan and Temperament

Purebred Dogs

Surprisingly, genetics state that all mixes of two purebred dogs are basically more survivable, less susceptible to genetic diseases, and has a higher life expectancy, because, in fact, centuries of inbreeding have made all purebred dogs lame. Thus, a mangy pooch is usually healthier than a bulldog (unless taking fleas into account), but a crossbreed from two purebred dogs also becomes more survivable than any one of these two. Let’s find out whether this is true for Schnau-Tzu, a mixture of Shih Tzu and Schnauzer.


An average Schnau-Tzu is almost as big as a Shih-Tzu, from 7 to 15 pounds, whereas Shih-Tzus’ weights vary from 9 to 16 pounds. Of course, in comparison with an average Schnauzer, Shih-Tzu is much smaller, though it depends on what Schnauzer we take – the Miniature Schnauzer is more like a normal puppy.


Schnauzer’s average lifespan varies from 13 to 16 years; Shih Tzu’s varies from 10 to 16 years. Alas, for some reason, life expectancy of Shih-Tzu is even lower. It numbers only 10-12 years.


The Shih-Tzu inherits the stubborn personality of Shih Tzu. They have an attitude and can sometimes be moody. However, this crossbreed is a very loving and caring dog who likes to play and be held in hands. It is very intelligent and can be trained fast with positive reinforcement. It doesn’t bark a lot, unless when lonely or playing, and unfortunately, it often doesn’t bark when it’s needed – its watchdog ability is low and it may well let an intruder pass. Although there is no info on Schnau-tzu’s allergenic properties, but some breeders claim they are completely hypoallergenic. Besides, Schnau-tzu is not aggressive and you can freely let them play with kids.


A usual apartment fits well for this dog, though it sheds regularly and you’ll need to vacuum often. However, brushing twice a week can reduce shedding and make the coat cleaner and softer. Unlike Shih Tzu, Schnau-tzu doesn’t have such a long hair, so you don’t have to cut it that often. Walking should take about half an hour or an hour daily along with other exercises. Mind that hernias and respiratory colds are considered the most commonly spread diseases among this breed, so take measures accordingly to avoid them. As with any other dog of its size, Schnau-tzu should be fed thrice a day in small portions.


All in all, Schnau-Tzu is priceless as a companion dog, though completely useless as a guard or a hound. It is an undemanding, playful and kind dog, which can make every family a bit happier.

6 Photos of the Schnauzer and Shih Tzu Mix: Size, Lifespan and Temperament

Schnauzer x Shih TzuSchnauzer and Shih Tzu mix size lifespan and temperamentShih Tzu schnauzer puppiesMiniature schnauzer x Shih TzuShih Tzu schnauzerShih Tzu schnauzer mix puppies
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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Mike Smith
Mike Smith
1 year ago

“All in all, Schnau-Tzu is priceless as a companion dog, though completely useless as a guard or a hound.”

Not quite, mine barks quite a bit during the night. Small body, yet ferocious in its vocals.

VivĂ­an Roman
VivĂ­an Roman
4 years ago

My schnauzer shih tzu is 2 years old and he won’t go up the stairs unless someone is behind him and won’t go down the stairs at all. I’ve try teaching him and he just stays frozen. He’s never fallen down the stairs so I don’t understand what’s the problem. Please advice, I have to other dogs and I don’t have the same issue with them.

Reply to  VivĂ­an Roman
3 years ago

Vivian Roman, I’d ask you vet to examine your dogs hips and patellas. Ours at 2 couldn’t come down the stairs, but could go up, would freeze when we tried teaching, had never fallen nor had any injuries. Dog was otherwise fine. We asked the vet, and they found was born with hip dysplasia and we had never known, exhibited no symptoms at all. Vet says dogs hide it so well. Vet said dogs with hip dysplasia can’t go downwards as it involves using different bone movement/positioning to walking, running and going up the stairs.

Diane Cochran
Diane Cochran
8 years ago

I have and 8 week old Schnauzer & Shih Tzu mix. She is a very aggressive little puppy. She cannot chew her dry dogfood very well. Could some one give me some advice on these subjects?

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