Beagle Hunt Training: How to Teach to Fetch a Bird and Fox Hunting


Beagle is a perfect hunter that is able to trace small or medium-sized wild animals and lift birds after they have been shot by a hunter.

As a rule, people who keen at chasing wild animals, are prefer to by a young Beagle who is already trained with basic hunting skills. But how to train a small Beagle puppy if you want to use it as a hunting dog?

Chasing a Rabbit

  • Stage 1. When your Beagle puppy is 8 weeks old, you can start to give it wild rabbit skin to play with. This way, Beagle puppy learns the rabbit smell and wants to chase the fur. After 2 weeks of playing with the skin, you should begin to play hide and seek with it. When a puppy has found a skin, begin to drag the fur along the ground to and fro so that a puppy can see it. The puppy will put its nose to the ground and begin to track the trail of scent.
  • Stage 2. When your puppy has already known a rabbit scent, you can take your Beagle outdoors to chase a real rabbit. When you see a rabbit, put your puppy on the trail and let it to chase the animal. Make sure, that a dog doesn’t see a rabbit, so that, it can rely only on its scent.
  • Be careful! If your puppy is not able to trace a rabbit at once, never punish it for doing this way. Praise your dog and keep trying.
  • Stage 3. After several weeks of placing your dog on fresh rabbit scent trail, your puppy is ready to search for a rabbit on their own.
  • Recommendation: the best way to begin this hunting training is to let your puppy to trace a rabbit in some enclosed area.
  • Stage 4. When your puppy is able to run a rabbit for a moderate time (10-20 minutes), you should begin to run the puppy with a good rabbit hunting dog or group of dogs.
Advice: your puppy may be shy to chase an animal with other dogs. Just give your puppy time. It takes approximately 1 year to teach a young puppy to hunt rabbits


Fox Hunting

Warning! Before training your Beagle to hunt a wild animal (especially, a fox), make sure you have vaccinated your dog against rabies! Foxes are the main disease carriers.
  • Stage 1. Teach your dog some basic commands that will help you during tracing a real fox: “stay!”, “sit!” and “come!”
  • Stage 2. Teach your dog to fetch that is necessary to return the fox to you on your command. Start with playing, a puppy should know how to fetch and bring you a toy.
  • Stage 3. When your Beagle puppy is 8 weeks old, you can start to give it wild fox skin to play with. By doing so, a puppy will be get used to a fox smell.
  • Stage 4. After your puppy have remembered a fox smell, you should begin to play hide and seek with it. When a puppy has found a skin, begin to drag the fur along the ground to and fro so that a puppy can see it.
  • Stage 5. When your puppy has already known a smell of a fox and can find a skin relying just on its scent, you can take your Beagle outdoors to try to chase a real animal. When you see a fox, put your puppy on the trail and let it to chase the animal. Make sure, that a dog doesn’t see a fox, so that, it can rely only on its scent.
  • Stage 6. When your puppy is able to run a fox for a moderate time (10-20 minutes) and have been shown a fox kennel, you should begin to run the puppy with a good rabbit hunting dog or group of dogs.

How to Teach to Fetch a Bird?

First of all, your puppy should know how to fetch a toy. Then, play with your dog by fetching a bird’s trunk.

Slightly, but surely your dog will understand what to do with a bird and will bring it to you on your command “fetch!” As soon as you perfect the command, you can teach your Beagle at “real” environment during hunting.


Beagle is a very skillful hunter that will be very useful to a man, who is keen at chasing wild animals. Begin to train your Beagle at every puppyhood using our tips to make your dog a swift and quick hound.

10 Photos of the Beagle Hunt Training: How to Teach to Fetch a Bird and Fox Hunting

How to train a beagle for rabbit huntingBeagle training for hunting rabbitsHow Do I Train My Beagle to HuntBeagle training for huntingHow to train a beagle to hunt foxBeagle rabbit hunting trainingBeagle hunting dog trainingTraining a Beagle to hunt birdsBeagle hunt trainingBeagle hunting training books
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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