5 Month Labrador Retriever: Size, Training and Healthcare


5-months age is marked by the beginning of “transitional period” for a puppy: though playful and cute, a small creature begins to show first traits of stubbornness, filwulness and rebellious character. During this time a dog owner should pay attention to moderate training and puppy’s socialization among other dogs and people.


5-months Labrador retriever is already a big and large dog by its size: its average weight is 21-22 kilos and its height at the shoulder is approximately 48-51 cm.


Take 3-4 walks a day and do not overstrain a puppy with active games. It is still too young to undergo some special training which starts from 1 year, as a rule. You just can proceed with slightly breaking of the habit of relieving a puppy at home and praise your puppy for doing it outdoors.

Another important thing is to proceed teaching a puppy a command “stop that!”, “don’t do that!” when it is going to do something unpleasant. Also, you should consolidate other basic commands like “sit!”, “heel!”, etc.

Advice: from this age start to show your dog that you are his master and it should obey you.

Proceed to socialize your puppy among other adult dogs, but, keep in mind, that other dogs can occasionally show some aggression towards your puppy since it’s too curious and tiresome at this age.

Be careful! 5 month Labrador is inclined to study and sniff around every “interesting” object outdoors, also, a puppy is not responsive to his master’s commands, so, a puppy of this age frequently gets lost. It is necessary to unleash a puppy in safe and enclosed areas only.


Your 5-months Labrador puppy was vaccinated in 2.5 months for the first time with revaccination in 3 months. The next immunization is planned when your puppy will be 6 months’ old. So, at this point, you should carefully check your puppy’s health: protect it against ticks and fleas, examine for possible allergic reactions, etc. Besides, you can already treat your puppy against worms before the next immunization.

Recommendation: in case you have noticed some allergic reaction on your puppy’s skin or eyes, or your puppy do not want to eat or drink, or if its overall condition is sluggish or unhealthy – immediately visit your vet doctor. Remember, that puppies under 1 year are still have vulnerable immune system.


Now you can feed your puppy less frequent, 3 times a day, at that, one meal should be a between-meal snack. For example, you can feed your puppy like that:

  • 8 a.m. (after the first walk): meat porridge with vegetables (400-500 gr);
  • 12 a.m. (after the second short walk): a between-meal snack like curds with yoghurt (500 gr);
  • 6 p.m. (after the third long walk): meat porridge with vegetables (500-600 gr).
Warning! Labrador retrievers are prone to obesity, so, you should not overfeed your puppy. Feed it 3 times a day in strict proportions and, if you feed a puppy with dry food, choose one for puppies prone to extra weight.

Feeding your puppy with fresh food, keep in mind, that a puppy of this age needs about 60% of meat meal, 30% of cereals and 10% of dairy products and vegetables.

Advice: your Labrador puppy is growing very fast, so, it needs some food supplements to be strong and healthy, with correct body and skeleton development. Choose special vitamins for puppies with a maximum content of calcium, vitamin D3 and phosphorous.


5 months is the age during which a dog owner should be very responsible towards a puppy since its health, immune system, as well as behavior traits, are beginning to form. Take care of your Labrador puppy since its puppyhood to make your dog sound and healthy.

9 Photos of the 5 Month Labrador Retriever: Size, Training and Healthcare

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Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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