Cocker Spaniel Cross Labrador – Spanador Breed Characteristics


Spanador (Cockador, Cockerdor) is a mixture between two purebreeds: Cocker Spaniel and Labrador Retriever. This breed has been recently originated in the USA as a designer dog and is already recognized by Designer Breed Registry (DBR), International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR), American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC) and other organizations.

Spanador Breed Characteristics

Spanadors are smaller, than an average Labrador Retriever, but is bigger than Cocker Spaniel: it weighs about 10-22 kilos, and its height at the shoulder is about 40-50 cm.

Remember! As a rule, female dogs are smaller than male ones.

Average life expectancy of a Spanador is 12-15 years (both Labrador Retriever and Cocker Spaniel are considered to be long-livers).

Depending on the inherited traits of their parents, Spanador can get Cocker-like fur texture (slightly oblong, curly) or be more Labrador-like (dense, short hair). The most popular Spanador fur color is of Labrador-pattern (pale-yellow, brown and black color), but there are cases of Cocker-pattern of the coat (black or brown sports on the white background, ginger).

The Spanador is a medium-sized well-shaped dog with fairly massive buildup. It has strong legs, thick tail, big head with pendant ears.

Advice: still, it is very difficult to predict the future size of your Spanador puppy, you may pay attention to the size of its head and paws: the bigger these body parts are, the more likely to get medium-sized dog in the future.

Temperament and Behavior

Spanadors are cheerful and lovable dogs that make them perfect pets for families with children and pets (a Spanador will be a nice companion in games). Spanador fits any family, but, if you are not active or haven’t enough time to walk with your Spanador ‘properly’, better choose some lazy breed.

Spanador are loyal and affectionate dogs who always want to be near their master. However, some Cocker Spaniels may be aggressive, alert and rather independent. So, these traits may be inherited by a Spanador as well.

Warning! If you have noticed, that your Spanador is too independent you’d better to train your dog with the help of a skillful dog trainer to eliminate this unpleasant behavior.

It is not a surprise, that Spanadors (as their Cocker Spaniel parents) are perfect watchdogs who will guard you 24 hours a day. A Spanador will immediately bark at any sign of a stranger that sometimes seems to be annoying.

Recommendation: if your Spanador is showing some hunting traits (for example, it is running behind all passing vehicles) you’d better to correct this behavior with the help of special training and give more physical activity to your Spanador.


Since Spanadors are extremely active and playful they will need long and active regular walks to release their energy. As an extra activity, you may engage your dog in agility, Frisbee play or ballgames that will be definitely a plus. Spanador is better to undergo general training course not to cause problems in the future.

Be careful! Spanador is a water loving breed. Satisfy its need for swimming by taking your Spanador to the pools to swim and retrieve the toys.


Spanador is a perfect family pet: well-mannered, cheerful and affectionate companion. It doesn’t shed much (it is important!) and is loyal towards people and pets. Choose a Spanador for your family.

10 Photos of the Cocker Spaniel Cross Labrador – Spanador Breed Characteristics

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Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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