Dachshund Dental Care


Dental care for a Dachshund (as well as for other breeds) is an important part of general dog care since teeth play a significant role in the life of every dog: with the help of teeth they fetch toys and balls, nibble marrowbones and dry food, thus using dentition in as many daily activities as possible. Teeth are one of the main dog “organs” that make it strong and self-confident.

Teeth Problems

Teeth and gum problems are widespread among Dachshunds and sometimes can be a sign (or cause) of more serious internal body problems, such as kidney failure, heart problems, and eye sinus infections.

There are the most common Dachshund teeth problems:

  • Tartar is a mixture of food, debris, mineral salts and bacteria located and deposited on and around teeth. Tartar causes gum recession, tooth root exposure, gingivitis, tooth loosening and loss.
  • Plaque is a “predecessor” of tartar that warns of general health problems or incorrect diet (for example, dry food of low quality).
  • Gingivitis (gum infection) can lead to tooth loss, bone degeneration and, in severe cases, possible major organ disease.
  • Rotten teeth or dental caries as a result of bad genetics, incorrect diet (poor in vitamins and microelements), or overall body condition.
Recommendation: a vet doctor is able to remove tartar/plaque with the help of ultrasound dental machine (under general anesthesia). Before this procedure, a vet doctor should examine your Dachshund for general illnesses (blood tests, general surveying), as well as consider your dog’s diseases in past medical history and its age. Also, a vet takes X-rays of the teeth to determine if there are any pockets or abscesses around the teeth roots, and to look for any bone deterioration.

Symptoms of Dental Diseases

There is a number of distinct symptoms that can be a sign of Dachshund problems with teeth or gums (as well as of general illnesses):

  • bad breath;
  • inflamed gums;
  • plaque and calculus;
  • swollen jaw;
  • trouble chewing;
  • nasal discharge and sneezing;
  • high body temperature;
  • losing teeth.
Warning! If your dog has losing teeth or has tartar/plaque (as well as other symptoms), it is a signal to visit a vet doctor. A vet will examine your Dachshund for underlying diseases (kidney diseases, diabetes, cancer, mouth tumors), as well as secondary diseases that were provoked by dental problems.

Preventive Measure

The most effective and widespread preventive measure is home teeth brushing and cleaning. Choose special toothpaste for dogs as they can swallow it. Also, buy a special dog toothbrush (it has long round bristles).

Advice: start to clean your Dachshund teeth since the puppyhood.

Dental chew toys and traits are able to give extra care for your Dachshund’s mouth cavity.

Read article about 5 nice dental toys

Switching to kibble or hard food is advisable if your dog is prone to dental illnesses.

Be careful! Dry food must be of very high quality, otherwise, it will cause teeth problems instead.


Dachshunds are rather prone to dental illnesses. Better still, don’t let your dog’s mouth get into a condition where dental treatment becomes necessary.

10 Photos of the Dachshund Dental Care

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Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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3 years ago

My 13 yr old daschund had a complete dental cleaning in March 2021. on June 22, 2021 I took him back to the same vet because he was drooling a lot. The same vet said to “just watch him because there was a molar that might need extraction. Well he has been really drooling on one side so I took him back to the same vet office today. Previous vet was out so we saw a different vet. $336 later she said his plaque was bad and he has lots of ulcers on his anterior teeth and tongue “they call cups” and it is a “daschund thing”.. My question is how did the plaque come back so quickly and where did the ulcers come from???

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

Hi, Joe, sorry, I can’t recommend something without a dog checkup.
It’s a really strange situation and I think you should get an opinion from another vet. I hope it will help you.
If you wish you can ask your questions to our partner https://1001doggy.com/consultation-veterinary/ but it’s online.

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