German Shepherd Mix with Rottweiler: Average Size, Temperament and Other Characteristics


Nobody knows who bred this wonderful breed first. A lot of breeds are being breed and, although, at first, it became popular in the USA, it’s spread throughout the world lately.

Some breeders work responsibly; some just want to get more money. We will talk about great breed mix of German shepherd with Rottweiler. Let’s look at information about both breeds separately.

German Shepherd Information

At the turn of XIX and XX centuries, man of arms, von Stephanitz decided to breed the perfect herding dog, which will be strong and smart. However, demand on herding dogs really decreased. So, he used his military connections to offer this breed to army and police, which is still shows itself from the good side. Now this breed is used in the different fields. It is smart and easy to train.

It’s good both with families and as a working dog. The main thing is to let it move. It needs attention, you shouldn’t leave it alone for a long time. It’s unfriendly to strangers, but loyal to its owners.

Rottweiler Facts

Let’s look at following facts about Rottweilers. Mastiff-type, brought by Romans to Germany to drive cattle. Six hundred years later bones of similar breed were found near the Rot Wil settlement. This breed was being used to drive cattle and protection of home.

At the beginning of XX century breed was at the edge of extinction and only a fast reaction of a breeders saved it. Now it is used as a working and serving dog. It got to USA in 1920 and became very popular. Breeders was trying to earn a fast buck began actively breed it, although some people was concerned about health and temperament of dogs, so demand fell.

Now situation is a little different, many people enjoy the company of this breed. Rottweiler are calm and confident, brave, but not aggressive, if there’s no threat for the owners. Female specimens are easier to train.

Average Size and Other Characteristics

So, how big is it? Average size estimates from 35 to 52 kg, and it’s from 56 to 68 cm tall. They are strong, ready to serious physical activity and have a lot of different good characteristics.

Their hair is short and hard, color includes black, brown and light brown.

How Do You Train This Beauties?

Breeders recommend to give enough time for training. Pay attention to their stubbornness, but with a good approach you could overcome it.

Shedding Season

At shedding season, you should clean it with brush, but, unlike German shepherd it sheds not so much. You should wash it at least once a week and clean its teeth three times a week, also you should cut its nails.


It is good with children, if it grows up with them, you shouldn’t leave it with small child one on one. You have to explain to children that they shouldn’t hurt or tease the dog.

What Can You Use it For?

It is great for guarding your home, it barks, but not a lot, although if German shepherd side is stronger, than it barks almost like it, often.

Food and Meals

It feels good in a different, even marginal climates and needs to eat two cups of dog food each day, a cup for a meal. It could become fat, if you’ll feed it too much. If you want to get really good breed, don’t be a meanie and go to a good breeder. If the breed is bad, you could face problems with your dog’s health, from allergies to cancer.

Personality Traits

Choosing this breed, you’ll get good companion for yourself and your kids. It has all the good qualities of German Shepherd and Rottweiler – loyalty, speed, ability to train and kindness to the owners.

10 Photos of the German Shepherd Mix with Rottweiler: Average Size, Temperament and Other Characteristics

Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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8 years ago

I love this dog and this little training tip quite helpful. thought i lost the first one to pavo fever but i am being careful not to lose this one. its friendly and mean sometimes i watch the way she reacts to other dogs during feeding.

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