Labrador Retriever Average Size and Weight


Labrador retriever is a big, strong and healthy dog with well-build and athletic body. The average height of an adult Labrador retriever is about 54-58 cm at the shoulder and it weighs from 30 to 40 kilos. Its chest girt is 70-86 cm, head girt is 45-56 cm, muzzle girt is 28-32 cm and the front pastern girt is 11-14 cm.

Be careful! The first index shows exterior properties of female dogs, the second is for the male.

Average Size and Weight under One Year

The exterior characteristics of Labrador retriever under 1-years age can be presented in a form of chart that will be very convenient for Labrador owner to check with.

Recommendation: it is advisable for Labrador owner to know average size and weight of his Labrador puppy in order to supervise his puppy’s body development and avoid some possible health issues that are reflecting on puppy’s growth.
Age Height Weight (kg)
1 month puppy 23-23.5 3.4-3.8
2 month puppy 30-32.5 7-8
10 week puppy 32-34 8-9
3 month puppy 39.5-42 12-14
4 month puppy 44-46 17-19
5 month puppy 48-51 21-22
6 month puppy 50-55 24-26
7 month puppy 52-56 26-28
8 month puppy 54-57 28-30
9 month puppy 54-58 29-32
10 month puppy 54-58 30-36
Warning! All measurements are approximate. Some puppies stop to grow at the age of 6 months, other Retrievers grow till 1 year age. Before 1 year age Labradors tend to grow in height, after 1 year and till 2 year age dogs are growing breadthways.


Ideal exterior characteristics for Labrador retriever are described in FCI standard:

  • General impression: strong build up, tight and compact body, with broad skull, with broad and deep chest and rids.
  • Head: broad skull, strong muzzle, middle sized teeth.
  • Eyes: middle sized, bright, of dark or light brown color.
  • Ears: pendant and floppy of triangle shape.
  • Neck: strong and massive.
  • Tail: wide at the top gradually tapering toward the end.
  • Front and back limbs: strong and wide with well-developed bones.
  • Movements: free and active, powerful.
  • Coat: short, dense; black, chocolate or fawn colored.
Advice: carefully examine the above given chart and trace your Labrador retriever puppy development. Any deviations from the norm could be a signal for a disease, malnutrition or low-quality litter.

If your full grown Labrador doesn’t correspond the standard it says about poor stock breeding or some serious faults in care during the dog’s puppyhood.


The Labrador retriever is an extremely popular breed with such distinctive features as strong body, pendant ears that are located in rather distant proximity, massive front and back limbs
and solid muzzle.

Advice: to keep well-balanced diet together with active trainings in order to make your Labrador strong and healthy close to a standard.

Another recommendation is to by Labrador puppies from verified breeders only.

10 Photos of the Labrador Retriever Average Size and Weight

Average weight labrador retriever puppyDiet for overweight labrador retrieverEnglish labrador retriever ideal weightAverage birth weight labrador retrieverAverage weight of a 10 week old labrador retrieverAverage labrador retriever weightBlack labrador retriever average weightAverage weight of 7 month old labrador retriever3 month old labrador retriever weightAverage weight of a full grown labrador retriever
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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