My Shih Tzu is Vomiting: Causes and Treatment

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Shih Tzu

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It is no doubt that seeing how your pet is vomiting is not one of the most pleasant things. However, dogs are alive organisms and like human beings may be in situations of food poisoning or any other illness that might cause vomiting. Analyzing different situations this article is aimed to give an overview for various vomiting issues and the ways of its treatment.

Causes of Vomiting:

  • First of all it might be a food poisoning. If your dog is vomiting after eating it is vital to check the products, you gave to your pet before. The first indicators of food poisoning might be different, but the most common is sudden vomiting, muscle spasm and even bleeding from its gingiva. In such situation, you should immediately show your pet to the veterinarian. He will give you the most appropriate and safe treatment.
  • Irregular combing Shih Tzu can also cause problems such as swallowing lumps of matted fur while licking. Unlike cats dogs are not treated to clean their hair by their own and that is why they start vomiting after In addition, sometimes hairballs can get into the respiratory tract and lead to suffocation of your dog.
  • Pay attention to the color of vomit as it can also help to diagnose the illness of your pet. So, if your dog is throwing up yellow or white foam interlaced it is most common that it is stomach bile. Yellow is the most common color, but sometimes it might have a green tint with salt and mucus. It may occur due to the emptiness in stomach. Try to give something light to your dog and pay attention to the food regime. However, the rare percentage of such a situation may occur due to the stomach illnesses such as gastritis for example.
Note! Do not add extra food, it is better to add more time in the feeding schedule. For instance, if you are used to feed Shih Tzu three times per day, change the schedule by adding two extra lunch time with a light food or snacks. It will prevent the pet from hunger and vomiting a bile.
  • Violent vomiting is a signal to go to the closest animal hospital immediately. It may occur due to the serious illnesses such as diarrhea (may be with blood) or worms. Such illnesses requires an appropriate medical care and hospitalization.


Vomiting is a frequent phenomenon for dogs that may occur due to various reasons. Fortunately, the disease is not always a bad signal about the danger, however, vomiting phenomenon is unpleasant and disturbing, so it is better to consult to a specialist. Remember, that vomiting is a protective reaction of the body that tends to clean up the digestive tract from toxic, poisonous and inedible substances.

8 Photos of the My Shih Tzu is Vomiting: Causes and Treatment

Shih Tzu vomiting yellow foamMy Shih Tzu puppy vomitingShih Tzu vomiting white foamMy Shih Tzu is vomiting yellow bileMy Shih Tzu is vomitingShih Tzu vomiting foodShih Tzu vomiting mucusShih Tzu vomiting yellow
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.
Medically reviewed by Awilda Rodriguez, DVM on May 25th, 2016,

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6 years ago

I recent got a Shih Tzu she is almost 4 months old . The past month she has been vomiting her food I’ve tried changing foods 3 times already, I also took her to the vet and they said she looked healthy they tested her for Parvo and parasites and they both came back negative. Iam currently stressing don’t know what to do anymore besides be here for my Shih Tzu emotionally ?? Please help!!

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