White German Shepherd Names: Ideas and Tips for Choosing


When you get a new a puppy, one of the most exciting things is choosing the name for your pet. Names can be different; they can describe the character of the dog. Furthermore, it may be really important to find the name which suits dog’s appearance.

White German shepherds are not typical dogs; that is why dog owners want their pet to have a special name. There is a wide range of different names which can be given to a dog. You can even think of your own variant – the range of names can be limited only by your imagination.

Advice: When you are choosing a name for a dog, try to pick the one which is easy to pronounce and recall.

Good German Shepherd Name Ideas

As far as German shepherds have specific appearance, it might be a good idea to choose the name which is connected with the color of their fur (white). For example, the names of flowers are very popular, and here you will have to find the one which flower is white. These can be Lily, Lotus, Crocus or Daisy.

Actually there are many different options for something with the meaning “white” which is nice and can be used as a name for a dog. These can be:

  • Fiona (Scottish for white);
  • Kei (African for white); 
  • Wynn (Welsh for white);
  • Bianca (Italian for white).

Names for Female Dogs

The moon almost always looks white and its light is really gorgeous. That is why it can be a good idea to choose the name which is connected with the moon or has the meaning of it:

  • Artemis (Greek god of the moon and of the hunt);
  • Luna (Italian and Russian for moon);
  • Selena (Spanish for moon);
  • Jocasta (Greek for shining moon);
  • Crescent;
  • Moonbeam;
  • Moonshine;
  • Mooneye;
  • Diana (Roman goddess of moon).

As an option you can choose the name Monroe after a famous actress and singer because her skin and hair were white and she is the example of a beautiful woman.

Name Based Color

Of course, it is a good idea to find something which is of white color and which has positive associations:

  • Casper (after the ghost);
  • Guinevere (Welsh for white ghost);
  • Kimba (Japanese white lion);
  • Cirrus (cirrus clouds);
  • Chardonnay (dry white wine); 
  • Pearl;
  • Sugar; 
  • Affy (Arctic Fox); 
  • Dove or Swan;
  • Nova (a star that suddenly becomes brighter and brighter);
  • Paige/Page.

Cool Names

Also, you can choose any name which is somehow connected with snow like Snow, Flake, etc. These names are very typical, but they still remain very beautiful. White color is very often associated with something cold, so you can find something like Alaska or any other name of the place which is connected with chilly weather. By the way, Chilly is a good option as well.


No matter which name you choose, you should remember that this name should describe your dog: his character, appearance or habits. In addition, if your pet is going to participate in a dog show, the name should be very bright and memorable. Anyway the name for your White German shepherd is to be led by your imagination.

8 Photos of the White German Shepherd Names: Ideas and Tips for Choosing

Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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