Dachshund and Poodle Mix – Common Information and Pictures


Doxiepoo (Doxiedoodle, Dachshundpoo or Dachshunddoodle) is a recent crossbreed between a Dachshund and a Toy Poodle that was firstly originated in the USA as a designer dog.

In general, Doxiepoo is a well-mannered, playful and affectionate companion best suited for singles (as well as for the senior) and couples with or without children.

How Does Doxiepoo Look Like?

Doxiepoo turned to be the least predictable crossbreed ever known – even in one litter one can have puppies who vary in size, fur length and color, as well as in general exterior.

Depending on the inherited traits of their parents, Doxiepoos can get Dachshund-like fur color and texture (short and coarse that require little to no grooming) or be more Toy Poodle-like (with fur longer and curlier, they will require regular brushing). Colors may range from black, brown, tan, grey, white or a combination or two or more of these colors.

Doxiepoos can be small as their Toy Poodle parents or become medium-sized dogs as Dachshunds (however, you can hardly predict this parameter when your dog is still a puppy, but in general these dogs weight somewhere from 4 to 15 kilos). Adult Doxiepoo may have oblong, slim and cobby body, as well as inherit more compact Toy Poodle body. The average height of a Doxiepoo is between 43 and 56 cm.

Advice: still it is very difficult to predict the future size of your Doxiepoo puppy, you may pay attention to the size of its head and paws: the bigger these body parts are, the more likely to get medium-sized dog in the future.

Temperament and Behavior

Doxiepoos are loyal and affectionate dogs who always want to be near their master, no matter where you go (a Doxiepoo will follow you anywhere you go and always demand a good portion of attention and love).
It is not a surprise, that Doxiepoos (like other small breeds) are perfect watchdogs who will guard you 24 hours a day. A Doxiepoo will immediately bark at any sign of a stranger that sometimes seems to be annoying.

Recommendation: if your Doxiepoo is afraid of passing cars, lightning or shows excessive guarding traits that disturb you, you can always train your dog to eliminate this undesirable behavior (preferably with the help of a skillful dog trainer).

Doxiepoo is a perfect choice for families with small children being a nice and gentle companion during a play.

Warning! If there are other pets in your house (cats, other dogs, etc.) you should socialize your Doxiepoo from the earliest age to be tolerant, otherwise your Doxiepoo will be possessive towards other pets seeking your attention and love.


Since Doxiepoos are extremely active and playful they will need long regular walks to release their energy. They don’t need some special physical exercises, however, you may engage your dog in agility, Frisbee play or ballgames that will be definitely a plus. Doxiepoo is better to undergo general training course.

Be careful! Do not overload your Doxiepoo since the dog may have problems with its oblong Duchshund-like back.


A Doxiepoo should definitely know such basic commands as “Come!”, “Stop!”, “Sit!”, etc. It is advisable to teach a dog these commands since the very puppyhood.
Doxiepoo is an active, lovable and friendly companion that is able to fit any type of family owing to its cheerful and tender character.

10 Photos of the Dachshund and Poodle Mix – Common Information and Pictures

Dachshund x toy poodle puppiesDachshund cross poodle for saleChihuahua Dachshund poodle mixDachshund poodle mix for saleDachshund and poodle mixDachshund cross poodleDachshund and poodle mix breedDachshund and poodle mix for saleDachshund poodle mix puppiesDachshund poodle mix puppies for sale
Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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Regina Kendrick
Regina Kendrick
7 years ago

I am looking for a doxiepoo. I had to put mine down because of blindness and cancer. I am desperately looking for one.Please help me find one

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