8 Week Old Beagles: Physical Appearance, Diet and Care


The beagle is a cheerful and friendly animal that it seems to be set for life with people. Actually, this breed of dog was bred for hunting and was originally used exclusively for this purpose.

In recent years, they are increasingly being bought as decorative pet dogs. They become the loyal friends to their owners.


Beagles need a constant care, special attention should be given to the puppies, the sick and aging dogs.

Breed Origin

The origin of the beagle is still unknown, there are several versions. The only thing we know that the history of the breed goes back to the Middle Ages. According to legend, these dogs accompanied the knights of King Arthur. But there is few information about their origin.

How to Choose a Beagle?

Having decided for what purpose you are planning to acquire a dog, you should get acquainted with the breeder to pre-inspect the conditions where he/she took care of dogs, puppy’s weight and size and any veterinarian and prophylactic procedures were carried out.

Advice: it will be better to choose the beagle to 8 weeks. During this period the puppy is strong enough, it can feed itself, more adaptable and will get used to the owner.

If parents are healthy puppies will be healthy too. The stability of the mind, inclinations of the character, manners puppies are inherited, so you should pay attention to the behavior of the mother. She must be healthy, well-fed and she should feed, play and take care of the puppies, without showing them aggression.

It is important! Male and female are not close relatives. If male is not there where you want to get a beagle puppy, ask breeders to show you a photo of him, ask about its health and its merits.

You should read documents of parents. If there are some titles and awards it can be the sign to potential abilities of puppies.

Physical Appearance

Eight week old beagle puppy should be active, playful, curious, not lethargic and not cowardly. The puppy’s behavior indicates the state of health and temperament. The coat is shiny, elastic, nose is wet and cold, eyes are bright and ears are clean, inner surface is pale pink color.

Note! Eyes and nose should not have any secretion.

A healthy puppy should be well-fed, it should walk, run and jump confidently.

The limbs are strong, with a small seal on the knee joints. Puppies have a scissor bite. Two month old beagles weigh about 3-4 kg.


Beagles can have two-tone or trichromatic color, but you need to keep in mind that in the age of 2.5 months puppies are almost black and white with orange patches on the face. Two-tone beagles are born bright, without distinct colorful stains.

Choosing a beagle you can rely on your intuition. Perhaps you like it at first sight, or a puppy can choose you as an owner.

Remember! You are choosing a friend for many years, and if you really like the puppy, it is better to take it – so it is really your dog



If you want to grow the healthy and active beagle, the diet of the puppy must be good balanced, especially during the period of active growth of the dog.

Warning! Beagles have a great appetite and they are happy to eat everything that can be offered; besides, beagles are prone to overeating which can lead to obesity and metabolic disorders. So the main rule which must adhere to the breeders – “Do not overfeed.”

And if the puppy has eaten his portion and continues to look at you with hungry eyes, you should not succumb to provocations, giving your puppy food. After taking a puppy in your house, you should feed the puppy with its usual diet so the adaptation process will be faster. It is best to feed a beagle with natural products, adding mineral and vitamin supplements up to 3 months.

When feeding with natural foods the diet of beagle puppy should include 70% meat and 30% vegetable food. Up to 3 months it is better to give boiled low-fat meat or chicken meat. The diet of a beagle should include cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals, sour milk products, boiled eggs, small amount of boiled vegetables. Pork and any kind of fatty meat is banned. It is not necessary to give the puppies beans, freshwater fish, potatoes, salty, fatty, sweet and spicy food.

Meals should be well-boiled in meat broth or milk. Dairy products should be given in the morning, afternoon and evening you can give porridge with meat and vegetables. You can add a small amount of honey or vegetable oil in the porridge.

When feeding with dry food, you need to choose only high-quality premium feed, marked “for puppies”. The norm depends on the age of the dog and brand of feed. You can alternate dry food and natural food.


Taking everything into account, beagles are cute and friendly dogs. As all breeds of pets, they need love and care of their owners. It is important to monitor their health and observe their diet. If you allow these recommendations your puppy will grow healthy and will be your best friend for many years.

9 Photos of the 8 Week Old Beagles: Physical Appearance, Diet and Care

Beagle puppy 8 weeks size8 week Beagle puppies8 week old Beagle biting8 week old Beagle puppy diet8 week old Beagle puppy for sale8 week old Beagle puppy care8 week old Beagle puppiesBeagle puppy 8 weeks to 8 months
Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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