Broken Dog Tail – The Reasons and Treatment


Often dog owners can observe strange behavior of their pet and the specific condition of the tail. Friendly dog suddenly becomes aggressive and nervous. The tail looks unnatural, slightly bulged, or it looks strange: this is a clear indication that its structure is broken or damaged.

In some cases, the injured segment of the tail is healing. The consequences of fractures can have a serious impact on the overall condition and individual physiological processes.

The tail of dogs is a specific elongation of the spine. It consists of a number of vertebrae, bones, nerves and blood vessels.

Warning! The owner should immediately consult the specialists of the veterinary hospital as soon as the injury was identified.

The Reasons

In 99% of cases the main cause of injury of the tail becomes any external factor. There is a list of major reasons:

  • the tail was caught in the door or window;
  • the fragment is broken due to accidental situation;
  • in a fight with other animals.
Warning! Do not let your pet walk alone, because in most cases it is the reason of injuries and death of dogs.

The injury of the tail is easy to identify. Sometimes the owners themselves cause damage to the tail or see their pet getting injured. On the tail you can see the traces of the fight, bald places, bruising. The greatest danger is a fracture of the base of the tail. There is a danger that the aggressive factors could affect the spine.

Dogs are suffering from severe pain. The tail is not moving at all. There is a strong swelling and tenderness. The consequences of such injuries cannot disappear by themselves. Only veterinarians can help the dog.


Treatment strategy is determined by a specialist who should take into account the overall condition of the affected pet, the degree of damage of the tail, how it affected the basic physiological processes of the animal organism. If the tail is damaged and paralysed, there is only way – the removal of damaged epithelium. Paralyzed parts are not restored. The amputation will not affect the normal lifestyle of a pet.

Advice: in severe cases, the pet must remain in the veterinary hospital. Veterinarians monitor its condition. If the injury is small, the tail is applied a light bandage. Open wounds are treated with antibacterial remedies and aseptics. At home the owner should take care of his pet by himself, before having received the necessary instructions.


If your pet had an accident, you will certainly do your best to cure it. However, you should not indulge the animal in times of illness: if the dog gets used to the lack of discipline, it will be difficult to return it. So you should keep the discipline and rules should be allowed by your pet.

5 Photos of the Broken Dog Tail – The Reasons and Treatment

Broken tail dogBroken tail on dogDog broken tailCan a dog break their tailBroken dog tail
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.
Medically reviewed by Awilda Rodriguez, DVM on June 15th, 2017,

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