Dog names for Yorkshire terriers


Yorkshire terriers are active, intelligent, curious and cheerful dogs. They are ready to play and fool all day long with their beloved owner.

Yorkshire Terrier head image

Yorkshire Terrier

Popularity: №13
Origin: United Kingdom
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Yorkshire terriers are quickly related to people and they are considered to be one of the most loyal and faithful dogs.

If you decide to take the puppy of this breed – you have made the right choice. And the first thing we should do when we have taken it – to think of its name.

The Сharacter of Yorkshire Terriers and Names for them

But we need to know about the difficulties that many owners have to face. Especially the most wide-spread problem is the character of the Yorkshire terrier. Frankly speaking, they have a very difficult one. It seems that Yorkshire terriers are the cutest creatures in the world and probably they should have such delicate character. But in many cases their appearance cannot describe their character.

In fact, Yorkshire terriers have unpredictable and quarrelsome nature. These dogs are quite selfish and very tricky in some cases. They are also characterized by excessive boldness and independence.

Advice: you can choose a name for your dog on the basis of its character. But do not give such names which are associated with the black side of the character.

How to Choose the Best Name

It will not be easy to choose your puppy a name. You want it to be original and cute, and will associate the dog’s character.

There are some tips for those who are searching the name for their puppy:

  • A name for the pet should be short. It is best if it will contain no more than three syllables;
  • A name should be original. Then your dog will not run up to other owners who call their pets with a similar name;
  • The nickname should be hefty.

The easiest way of choosing a cute name for a Yorkshire terrier is to make it from the first letters of the names of all family members.

Recommendation: Spend some time and pay a great attention for choosing a name for your dog – it is the Yorkshire terrier which name should be noble and presentable.

Names for Male and Female Dogs

Names for boys and girls are chosen on different charasteristics.

The first character is the nature and character of the Yorkshire terrier. The second characteristic is the appearance of a puppy which has a small height, nice face and cute eyes. The third characteristic is also chosen by appearance, but only with a joke and sarcasm. For example: Lion, Giant, Apollo. Some people choose the names of famous people, for example, Jackson, Antonio, Maggie, etc.

The most popular names for Yorkshire terrier puppies are:

  • For males: Max, Buddy, Toby, Charlie, etc.;
  • For females: Bella, Molly, Sophie, Maggie, etc.


When you are searching the name for your dog, do not forget to match the name with your pet’s personality. The most important thing is that you should like your pet’s name and it will sound pleasantly.

But if you do not find the perfect name for your dog, use your imagination and make your own name for it.

10 Photos of the Dog names for Yorkshire terriers

Names for a yorkshire terrierGirl dog names for yorkshire terriersBoy yorkshire terrier namesFemale yorkshire terrier namesMale yorkshire terrier namesNames for male yorkshire terriersFamous yorkshire terrier namesCute yorkshire terrier namesDog names for a yorkshire terrierGood names for a yorkshire terrier
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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