Goldendoodle Pregnancy: signs, how long, calendar week by week, care and Food

Before we embark on this journey, it’s important to familiarize yourself with essential terms related to dog pregnancy. By understanding these terms, you’ll be equipped to navigate and provide the best possible support and care for your pregnant dog.

Key Terminology: Understanding Dog Pregnancy

  • Palpation: A diagnostic technique where a veterinarian uses their hands to feel or examine the internal organs or tissues of an animal, in this case, to check for pregnancy.
  • Whelping: The process of giving birth to puppies. It refers to the entire birthing process, including labor, delivery, and the immediate postnatal period.
  • Lethargic: Describes a state of tiredness, sluggishness, or lack of energy. In the context of pregnancy, some dogs may experience decreased energy levels and appear lethargic.
  • Ultrasound: A diagnostic imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of the internal structures of the body. In the case of pregnancy, an ultrasound can be performed to visualize the developing puppies and confirm pregnancy.
  • False pregnancy: Also known as pseudopregnancy or pseudo pregnancy, it is a condition where a female dog exhibits signs of pregnancy, such as nesting behavior and physical changes, despite not being pregnant.
  • Discharge: In the context of pregnancy, it refers to any fluid or substance that may be expelled from the nipples, such as a clear or milky discharge. This can occur due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.
  • Prenatal refers to the period during pregnancy, focusing on the care and development of the puppies before birth. It involves providing the mother with proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary check-ups to support healthy growth.
  • Gestation Period is the length of a dog’s pregnancy, from conception to birth. It typically lasts around 63 days for dogs but can vary. Monitoring the gestation period helps prepare for the puppies’ arrival and ensures appropriate care during pregnancy.
  • Fetus, in the context of dog pregnancy, refers to the developing offspring inside the mother’s womb. It represents the stage of prenatal development after the embryo stage. During this stage, the puppies’ organs and body systems continue to develop and mature.
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Is She Pregnant?

pregnant Goldendoodle

If you’re a proud Goldendoodle owner and suspect that your furry companion may be pregnant, it’s important to look out for certain signs that indicate a potential pregnancy. While only a veterinarian can provide a definitive confirmation, there are several clues you can observe to assess if your Goldendoodle is expecting puppies.

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Changes in Appetite

Keep an eye on your Goldendoodle’s appetite. During pregnancy, some dogs experience a decrease in appetite during the early stages, while others may have an increased appetite. If you notice any significant changes in her eating habits, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

Behavioral Changes

Pregnant dogs often exhibit behavioral changes. They may become more affectionate, seek extra attention, or even become more protective. Some Goldendoodles may display nesting behavior, such as trying to create a cozy spot or collecting soft materials for a potential den.

Swollen Abdomen

As the pregnancy progresses, your Goldendoodle’s abdomen may gradually become larger and rounder. However, keep in mind that bloating or weight gain can also occur due to other factors such as overeating or health issues. It’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

Nipple Changes

One of the noticeable signs of pregnancy in Goldendoodles is nipple changes. The nipples may become enlarged and pinker in color due to increased blood flow. Additionally, you may observe a clear or milky discharge from the nipples.

Changes in Energy Levels

Pregnancy can affect a dog’s energy levels. Some Goldendoodles may experience a decrease in energy and become more lethargic, while others may remain active throughout their pregnancy. Pay attention to any unusual changes in your dog’s energy levels.

Veterinary Examination

Ultimately, the most reliable way to determine if your Goldendoodle is pregnant is through a veterinary examination. Your veterinarian can perform various diagnostic tests to confirm pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound
  • Palpation
  • Hormone test (At 25 days or more)
  • X-ray (but best done at 55 days or more)

They can also estimate the number of puppies and advise you on proper care.

Remember, false pregnancies can occur in dogs, where they exhibit pregnancy symptoms but are not actually carrying puppies. Consulting with a veterinarian is essential to rule out any other underlying health conditions and to provide appropriate guidance during this exciting time.

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How Long Are Goldendoodles Pregnant?

On average, in dogs interval from breeding to whelping can range from 55 to 70 days.

During a Goldendoodle’s pregnancy, the average gestation period lasts between 58 and 68 days, with 63 days being the typical duration. It’s important to note that the counting begins from the day of ovulation, and pregnancy can be confirmed approximately 21 days later. Keep these timelines in mind as you monitor and care for your pregnant Goldendoodle.

Goldendoodle with puppies
9 healthy FB2 Golden doodle puppies. 5 boys and 4 girls. Source:
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How to Make Pregnancy Easier

Preparing for your Goldendoodle’s pregnancy can be an exciting and slightly overwhelming time, especially if you’re a novice dog owner. But worry not! With a little guidance, you can make the pregnancy journey smoother and more comfortable for your furry friend. Here are some valuable tips to help you through:

Provide a Nutritious Diet

  • Feed your pregnant Goldendoodle a high-quality dog food designed for pregnant or nursing dogs.
  • Look for a brand that provides the right balance of protein, vitamins, and minerals to support her changing nutritional needs.
  • Consult your veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations and portion sizes.

Regular Exercise is Key

  • Encourage moderate exercise to keep your Goldendoodle in good shape.
  • Engage in activities such as short walks or gentle play sessions to maintain muscle tone and overall well-being.
  • Be attentive to any signs of fatigue and adjust the exercise routine accordingly.

Create a Comfortable Resting Area

  • Prepare a quiet and cozy space for your pregnant Goldendoodle to rest and relax.
  • Set up a whelping area with soft bedding in a warm and quiet location.
  • Ensure it is safe, secure, and easily accessible for her comfort.

Monitor Her Health

  • Observe your Goldendoodle closely for any signs of discomfort or distress.
  • Look out for unusual behaviors or changes in appetite, energy levels, or physical appearance.
  • Contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns or notice anything out of the ordinary.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

  • Schedule regular prenatal visits with your veterinarian to monitor your Goldendoodle’s pregnancy progress.
  • Your vet will conduct thorough examinations and provide essential guidance throughout the different stages of pregnancy.
  • Follow their advice on nutrition, supplements, and any necessary tests or vaccinations.

Minimize Stressful Environments

  • Create a calm and stress-free atmosphere for your pregnant Goldendoodle.
  • Avoid loud noises, excessive activity, or sudden changes that may cause anxiety.
  • Provide a quiet space where she can relax and feel secure.

Educate Yourself about Labor

  • Learn about the signs of impending labor and the birthing process.
  • Understand the normal duration of labor and be prepared for potential complications.
  • Keep emergency contact information for your veterinarian readily available.
1 month old. Source:
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Essential Items for Whelping Your Goldendoodle

  • Lots of newspaper to line the whelping box during delivery for easy cleanup and garbage bags
  • Non-skid bath mats for bedding after whelping is done
  • Dry, clean towels to clean the puppies
  • Paper towels to help with clean up
  • Thermometer to check your dog’s temperature before whelping
  • Clean, sterilized scissors to cut the umbilical cords
  • Unwaxed dental floss to tie off the umbilical cords
  • Iodine to clean the puppies’ abdomens after the cord is cut and dab on the end of the cut umbilical cord
  • Heat lamp set high above the box on one corner only to allow the puppies to crawl to a cooler spot in a box or hot water bottle to keep the puppies warm (be careful it isn’t too hot).
  • Bulb syringe to clean puppies’ nose and mouth
  • Veterinarian’s phone number and the number of a nearby emergency clinic
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Goldendoodle labor

The duration of labor can vary among individual dogs, but on average, the active stage of labor in dogs lasts around 6 to 12 hours. However, it’s important to note that labor can take longer, especially for first-time mothers. Patience is key during this process.

Signs of Labor

There are some signs of how You can know when Goldendoodle dog is going to give birth?

  1. Nesting Behavior. Your Goldendoodle may start to exhibit nesting behavior, such as seeking out a quiet and secluded area to prepare for labor.
  2. Temperature Drop. A drop in body temperature to around 98°F (36.7°C) is often a sign that labor is imminent. You can monitor your dog’s temperature with a rectal thermometer.
  3. Restlessness and Pacing. Your Goldendoodle may become restless, pace, or have trouble finding a comfortable position as labor approaches.
  4. Contractions. The most evident sign of labor is the presence of strong and regular contractions. You may notice your dog’s abdomen visibly contracting, and she may pant or vocalize during contractions.
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What to do

When your Goldendoodle is in labor, create a calm and safe environment with comfortable bedding or a whelping box. Monitor the progress by observing contractions and noting the time between each puppy’s arrival. Provide support and comfort while allowing the mother to handle the birthing process on her own as she instinctively knows what to do.

You may need to step in and provide help, this can include clearing the puppies’ airways, removing the placental membranes, or gently stimulating them to breathe. Additionally, you may need to clean the puppies if the mother is unable to do so adequately. It is important to have clean towels or clean, sterile gauze available to gently wipe away any fluids from the puppies’ mouths and noses. However, it is crucial to handle the puppies with care and minimize interference unless necessary.

If you notice distress, prolonged labor, excessive bleeding, or signs of distress in the mother, seek veterinary assistance for guidance. Trust your instincts and reach out to your veterinarian if you have any concerns during your Goldendoodle’s labor.

Goldendoodle newborn
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Goldendoodle Dog Pregnancy Calendar

There is a Goldendoodle Pregnancy Calendar Week by Week.

Week/Days What happensWhat to do
(Days 1 – 7)
Once mating takes place, fertilization and ovulation occur. It’s important to note that it may take more than one mating session for ovulation to happen. As the first week begins, you may notice that the dog starts experiencing signs of morning sickness.– Feed your Goldendoodle a high-quality, balanced diet that is specifically formulated for pregnancy.
– Play as usual
(Days 8 – 14)
the cells begin to grow and separate, new embryos descent into the uterus. Usually, during this week the vulva swells.Same as first week
(Days 15 – 21)
Embryos begin to implant into the uterus, where they will get vital nutrients from the body. The fetuses at this stage are less than one cm long.Watch the eating habits. If the dog’s appetite increases, extend her ration accordingly. Keep the content of the ration the same.
4 (Days 21 – 28)Fetuses’ spine and eyes begin to develop, faces begin to form. Fetuses increase to about half an inch. The dog’s nipples swell, and her vagina discharges thin, clear liquor.Limit rough play and active exercises. At this stage the dog’s diet should probably be adjusted, consult a vet to find out if it’s necessary.
Also at the end of the week can get an ultrasound at the vet to check litter size, health, and due date.
Identify any abnormalities or issues early on.
(Days 29 – 35)
Amniotic fluid increases to protect puppies, which means they are not as vulnerable to physical damage as before. Their individual toes begin to shape. Whiskers and claws start to grow. Besides, in this stage fetuses’ sexes are defined.As the Godendoodle’s weight increases, you should extend the ration now if you haven’t done it yet. Feed often and in small portions. Feed her more if she needs (Consult vet for precise amount)
(Days 36 – 42)
The tummy increases. The puppies gain skin pigmentation and markings.Increase the amount of puppy food in the diet, add a multivitamin supplement to the ration (Consult vet). Prepare a box for whelping.
(Days 43 – 49)
The dog starts shedding hair on the belly. The puppies at this stage finish their prenatal development.The amount of consumed food should stay high.
(Days 50 – 56)
The bitch displays so-called nesting behavior; she is thoroughly looking for an ideal place for birth and breastfeeding. Alas, there is no chance you can force her to prefer some place over another, you’ll just have to accept where this place is situated (e.g.) under your bed. The dog starts producing colostrum(a yellowish liquid, especially rich in immune factors, secreted by the mammary gland of female mammals a few days before and after the birth of their young). Even though the dog may give birth at this stage, she is supposed to stay pregnant for one more week.Avoid anything which may result in early labor – rough play or any stimulation.
(Days 57 – 63)
The dog’s appetite may dropThe Goldendoodle should comfortably lie in the whelping area. You can arrange one. Don’t try to feed her more than she demands.
The birthTemperature falls from 101°F to about 99°F before the labor. The bitch starts giving birth.You had better call someone experienced to deliver a puppy. Lay down plastic and cover this with clean towels or blankets for the dog to lay on. If there are more than four puppies to be born, the dog will probably need C-section. if the dog doesn’t lick the sac off the puppy and doesn’t break the umbilical cord by her own, use your fingers to simulate the licking, and cut the umbilical cord by a string. If the mother doesn’t lick the puppy, rub him with fabric to stimulate blood flow. If a puppy’s breath is hardened, use a syringe bulb to remove fluids from the mouth and nose of the puppy. After it’s done, offer your dog food and drink.
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Goldendoodle Litter Size

Goldendoodle litter size can vary, depending on several factors. The size of the litter is influenced by the size of the parents, genetics, and other individual factors. On average, a Goldendoodle litter can range from 4 to 8 puppies, but there can be cases of smaller or larger litters.

Factors such as the age of the mother and the number of previous litters can also play a role in determining the litter size. Generally, younger dogs tend to have smaller litters, while older dogs may have larger ones. It’s important to note that there can be variations within the same litter, with some puppies being smaller or larger than others.

Tracking the health of newborns

Upgrade your puppy care with our Premium Bundle – high-quality PDFs for easy tracking. Monitor weight, and log daily and weekly details. Capture birth specifics with Whelping Details and manage health effortlessly with Vaccination Records. Elevate your puppy care – Order Now!


As you near the end of your Goldendoodle’s pregnancy, it’s important to stay attentive and prepared. Monitor your dog closely for any signs of labor and ensure that you have a comfortable whelping area ready for her. Remember to reach out to your veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions. By providing the necessary support and care during this crucial time, you can help ensure a smooth and successful delivery for your Goldendoodle and her puppies.


  1. Canine Pregnancy: Predicting Parturition and Timing Events of Gestation. Patrick W Concannon. Cornell University
  2. Understanding and Monitoring Canine Pregnancy. Patrick W. Concannon, PhD, DACT (Hon.)

4 Photos of the Goldendoodle Pregnancy: signs, how long, calendar week by week, care and Food

Goldendoodle with puppiesGoldendoodle newborngoldendoodle-after-pregnancypregnant Goldendoodle
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.
Medically reviewed by Awilda Rodriguez, DVM on June 9th, 2023,

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