How to Groom a Husky: Shedding and Trimming

Taking care of your husky properly is very important for its health. Many people assume that it is very difficult, but it is not. As far as huskies are very clean dogs, grooming will become an easy process and you will not spend too much time on it. Some owners compare Siberians with cats as huskies prefer keeping their bodies clean. Furthermore, they do not need too much bathing and some owners do it even once a year.

There are several things which you should pay your attention to: paws, ears and tail. Husky’s hair is very important as well because it protects the dog from rain, snow, dirt, etc.

Shedding and Trimming

Shedding is a natural process and huskies usually shed approximately once a year. The process may take six weeks. In order to make the process faster and have less fur at home, you can brush your dog. You can use warm bath and blow dry as well. This will help to make new hair grow faster.

Originally huskies do not shed during the year as they are northern breed dogs. This can be explained by cold weathers and dry air. But if you are not living in chilly region, your Siberian may experience shedding during summer season. The point is that husky should get rid of extra (old) fur in order to avoid heat stress.

Notice! From 10-14 months husky puppies go through shedding process – their hair changes to an adult one.

Siberian huskies do not need any trimming or shaving. Regular brushing will be enough. Furthermore, if you decide to shave your pet, you increase the risk of your dog getting parasites, allergies or skin irritations. In addition, husky’s fur protects it from sunrays.
Remember, you shouldn’t clip your dog’s whiskers as they serve as a sensor and can warn a dog about danger.


During non-shedding period small sessions of brushing will help you to make husky’s fur shine. Of course, in order to make the whole grooming process easier, you will need to teach your husky to sit (or lie) quietly.

As far as Siberian’s fur doesn’t produce too much natural oil, husky doesn’t need brushing every day. But if you are planning to keep your pet’s fur healthy and shiny, you need to brush it at least once a week.

Remember! During snowy or rainy seasons you mustn’t forget about brushing, otherwise husky’s fur may begin to mat and lose its insulating properties.

As far as Siberian has very thick fur, you will need to use wide toothed comb when brushing. Try to follow the way the hair of your dog grows. Don’t forget that you need to brush the whole body of your pet including stomach and places under tail as mats can be there.


Sometimes your favorite dog may suffer from fleas, mites, etc. Scratching and itching more than usually will signalize their appearance. You can also use special metal flea combs in order to find them.

It will be a good idea to visit your vet who will advice you an effective way how to get rid of them. Or you can do it yourself by using different grooming tools: special brushes, shampoos, collars, etc.

9 Photos of the How to Groom a Husky: Shedding and Trimming

Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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