6 Weeks Old Shih Tzu: Advices for Taking Care of Puppies

Shih Tzu head image

Shih Tzu

Popularity: №20
Origin: China
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Shih-tzu dogs are very active, funny and devoted animals. These dogs are cute, fluffy and tiny. Also they can be perfect companions for the person who owns them. These little optimists like playing games, rolling in the grass and going for walks together with their owner. They are very attached to the family they live in. What is more important, they always get along with children who take care of them.

Shih-tzu dogs have an awesome character and thanks to it they can make friends not only with people but also with other animals. As a rule, they reach an understanding with everybody.

6 Weeks Old Puppies

The dogs that reach the age of six weeks are usually ready to move from their mother to the future owner. Moreover, puppies can feed themselves without any help of their mother since this age. This is the perfect period for moving also because the dog can get used to you more easily. Some owners believe that the most powerful affection for the owner is set exactly at the age of six weeks.

Besides, many owners want to have a dog as young as possible because these puppies grow very fast and people just wish to enjoy this short period of life and play with them a lot. However, these young shih-tzu dogs need more care and can cause more problems at the same time.

Taking Care of Puppies

At first, such young puppies must be fed more often (about five or six times a day). Besides, these dogs “do their business” more frequently as well. That is why you should take them for a walk several times per day, too.

Advice: if you have decided to get a shih-tzu, make sure that you know all the necessary information in the case of emergency before going to the breeder. For example, get to know where to go to do a vaccination or how to call a veterinarian at home.

You should not forget about carrying out all the necessary vaccinations in order to have a healthy and protected from dog diseases puppy. Also it is essential for you to train your puppy from the young age to the process of bathing, of cutting claws, and to defecate in the right place.

Warning! Too young dogs are not recommended to take outside, to lay down on the grass or to get in contact with another dog because puppies can become ill.

Hair of Shih-Tzu Dogs

Hair is one the most important elements in the process of caring of this breed of dogs. These dogs have very long and beautiful hair which makes them attractive and charming. That is why you should take care of their hair every day.

If a dog is trained to daily caring and carding, you would not have any troubles with this process. Just spare fifteen minutes per day to make your dog look a bit better. However, some specialists say that daily carding will destroy the beauty of the hair and tend to recommend carding every three or four days.

How to Card the Hair Properly?

Here are some steps of carding that are used to keep your puppy attractive that you should follow since the age of six weeks:

  • Put a non-skid mat on a table.
  • Lay your puppy on one side.
  • Start to card the hair with a soft brush from a metacarpus to the inside of the leg and an armpit.
  • Put the puppy on the other side and repeat the brushing again.
  • Put your puppy on his legs and part its hair in the middle.
  • Start to card the hair on the head: the hair above at the back side must be brushed downwards, at the front – upwards. Whiskers should be divided into two parts and be brushed downwards. Brush the hair behind ears thoroughly.

Puppy and You

All in all, these young puppies need too much of your care and attention. But if you are ready to take such a great responsibility, you would be rewarded by a very devoted and beautiful dog in a few months.

5 Photos of the 6 Weeks Old Shih Tzu: Advices for Taking Care of Puppies

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Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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