American Pitbull Terrier Blue Nose


Today we introduce you to another very ambiguous breed which is the American Pitbull Terrier. Why ambiguous? It is because the debate about it wouldn’t cease at the highest level in the “world of breeders”. Moreover, officially this breed does not exist! Surprised? Now you’ll be surprised even more…

Stunning fact number two is that the American pitbull Terriers are prohibited to be breeded in Western Europe. What scared the dog the inhabitants of the Old world with and is it really that aggressive that it is considered life-threatening? And why all this “tempest in a teapot” is caused by the usual dog, moreover from the first look it is a perfectly nice dog… well, let’s start with history.

As a separate breed Pitbull Terrier was formed in the 19th century. The homeland of these dogs is considered to be the United States. In “making” pitbulls was “involved” a variety of dogs: Terriers, English bulldogs and other service dogs.

American Pitbull Terrier

We must say that the formation of the character of pitbulls was held under the slogan “you eat, or you’re asten”: the fact that American farmers, for fun, made a real fighting dog, the protagonists of which were just representatives of the “latter-day fighting breed”. It’s not surprising that the aggression should’ve become the hallmark of this dog, then turning against itself.

Though in Europe the breed is prohibited, the Americans, on the contrary, proud of their brainchild in the field of AKC and happy to breed these pets on their territory. Breeders for decades tried to direct the nature of pit bulls in a peaceful way, making it more pliable and soft. So there was a breed called the Staffordshire Terrier, it was recognized by the ICF (International Canine Federation), because it was, in the opinion of professionals, quite sociable. And what about pit bulls? And pit bulls remained on the sidelines.

Character Traits

Now about the “legendary” character of the American Pitbull Terrier. The fact that these dogs can only be an evil and immensely aggressive is unjust slander. Pit bulls have unusual traits: they are brave, courageous, fearless, they are disciplined, and even good-natured. With proper upbringing, pit bull can be a lovely dog for family and protection.

Attention! Contrary to the existing prejudices, these dogs get along well with children and immensely loyal to their master, but… to educate all these qualities, pitbulls have to be constantly trained it and taught socialization.

Training and Exercise

Pitbull is a dog that requires regular exercise. So don’t rush to get a dog of this breed if:

    • You are a beginner. American pit bull Terrier requires special treatment, approach and solid education. Without a skilled training the dog can be at least useless, and at most a potential hazard for your household. Remember that the responsibility for what will grow of your Pitbull is entirely up to you. Don’t forget that by nature, these dogs think only to fight for life or death…
    • You are a homebody. One of the breeds founding Pitbull is a Terrier, but these dogs require regular exercise, walking and movement. Accordingly, pitbulls need similar loads.
    • You’re too emotional you have no such quality as patience.
Caution! Screaming, emotional breakdowns and other instability will not allow you to bring in a Pitbull the qualities that will allow you and your family to comfortably live near that pet.
  • But for people who love sports, leading an active lifestyle, who are mentally balanced and patient, or are professionals in AKF, as well as for large families in which there is friendship and mutual understanding, we recommend to have an American pit bull Terrier as a four-legged friend and a reliable protector.

10 Photos of the American Pitbull Terrier Blue Nose

Blue nose Pitbull Terrier for saleAmerican Pitbull Terrier blue nose puppies for saleBlue nose american Pitbull Terrier puppies for saleAmerican pitbull terrier blue nose caracteristicasBlue nose american Pitbull TerrierBlue nose Pitbull TerrierBlue nose brindle american Pitbull TerrierAmerican pitbull terrier blue noseBlue nose american Pitbull Terrier for saleBlue nose american Pitbull Terrier breeders
Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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