How to Potty Train the Yorkshire Terrier


The training of Yorkshire terrier must begin as early as possible. It requires consistency and proper stability. Despite the fact that the Yorkshire terrier is a dog of small breed it always wants to be a leader. Due to the fact that owners often think about such dogs as eternal babies they become particularly aggressive and are able to attack the entire family and its guests.

If Yorkshire terrier has a poor behavior, it is necessary to begin training it. In general, any Yorkshire terrier should have a course of potty training.

Potty Train

You should remember! There are no fundamental differences between male and female dogs of this breed and do not vary in size.

The first principle that must be kept in the potty training of Yorkshire terrier is the principle of consistency. A puppy of the Yorkshire terrier must first learn recognizing its name and be able to walk on a leash. You need to use its ability to associative learning to achieve optimal results and goals.

For good behavior the dog should be rewarded a treat, for bad behavior you can make a reprimand. A lot of things depend on the correct choice of name. Give your pet a short and easily recognizable name. During the first days you should pronounce it so that a puppy will associate it with something pleasant. But when you do him a reprimand, do not call him by name. Otherwise, the Yorkshire terrier puppy will begin to associate its name with unpleasant situations.

Warning! Physical punishment is completely prohibited in any situations! Otherwise, your pet can be uncontrollably aggressive and will not pay attention to your commands at all.

When you are teaching a Yorkshire terrier to walk on a leash, start training with introductory exercises. Try to make your first walk where there are few people and cars, otherwise your pet will associate its first experience with something unpleasant.

Advice: you should train your puppy every day. If it is hard for you to spend a few hours for it, you can ask for a help any dog specialist.

Some Rules and Tips

There are some tips how to train your puppy. They will help any Yorkshire terrier owner in potty training:

  • It takes a plenty takes to teach the Yorkshire terrier, so you should be patient.
  • During training the dog should understand that its owner is the leader, he should insist on his leadership.
  • Commands should be given confident and crisp, they will accustom the pet to the discipline.
  • Potty training should be started at the age of 2 months.
Recommendation: potty training in game situations will be more effective and will be fun for a puppy.


Potty training the Yorkshire terrier is not easy task, and the owner should spend a lot of time for it and be patient and attentive. But if you cannot train or do not have any experience in it you always can consult with dog specialists.

The main rule is that you should believe in yourself and your pet. Then all your actions will be succeded.

9 Photos of the How to Potty Train the Yorkshire Terrier

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Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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