Beagle Cocker Spaniel Mix: Life Expectancy and Health Issues


Bocker (Beacker) is a new breed designed by the way of Beagle and Cocker spaniel crossbreeding. Bocker is a popular and extremely affectionate and intelligent dog that makes it a perfect dog for an adult person.

Appearance and Size

A mixture’s genetic buildup is not always 50% Cocker spaniel and 50% Beagle – crossbreed dogs may vary in terms of exterior.

As a rule, Bocker has a square, well-muscled, oblong body with broad head, short muzzles, long, floppy ears, and a tapered tail, that is slightly curved and tipped in white, similar to its Beagle parent.

As a rule, Bocker’s hair is of middle length, slightly curved, with Beagle color and pattern (chocolate, red spots on white background). Sometimes, Bockers inherit coat color of Cocker spaniels: creamy, sandy or chocolate. However, a color depends on particular parents.

Note! A Bocker doesn’t shed a lot, that makes it good for people, prone to allergy.

What concerns its size, it weighs about 20 pounds and is 15 inches at shoulder.

Life Expectancy and Health Issues

An average life expectancy of a Cocker spaniel and Beagle mixture is 10-11 years. On the whole, concerning health issues, Bocker is a healthy breed with strong immune system. However, inherited from Cocker spaniel, a Bocker can suffer from eye allergy, may have dry skin or coat.

Also, Bockers who has long floppy ears may have problems with ear canals, that catch various infections (fungus and bacteria).

Warning! A state of Bocker’s health is not about its heredity, but is the question of a dog owner care and responsibility. It is advisable to look at dog’s healthy diet and give it necessary environment to be active. It is also crucial not to neglect well-timed vet examinations, annual immunization, protection against ticks and tapeworms.


What concerns Bocker’s temperament, this dog is intelligent, affectionate and strongly devoted to its master. It has undeveloped barking skills, so it may be useless as a guard in your house. Bocker can be easily intimidated by other dogs.

Be careful! One should bear in mind, that a Bocker is not a sort of dog suitable for families with small children because of their strong jumping and snapping traits, they also get along much better with adults than children.

Personality Traits

Another necessary information: a Bocker has a rather independent personality (though devoted to people), so it would rather sleep somewhere outside its owner’s bed. Because of its Cocker’s parent, a Bocker may inherit a special trait – the so called “spaniel rage” especially after attaining three years of age causing them to display a certain outburst of anger and aggression for a short span, resulting in an unpleasant situation.

On the other hand, Beagle ancestor can give Bocker a hyperactive behavior that should be directed on the right way.

Recommendation: if your Bocker is hyperactive, you need to give it an environment to be active and release its power. It is necessary to give its activity a right way (engage your dog in training or active play, instead of let it “destroy” your house). If your Bocker is rather a Cocker spaniel, you would better to consult with a specialist.


Bocker’s owner should not forget about daily exercises and serious trainings in order to get rid of unpleasant hunting traits. Proper education will give the opportunity to make a dog obedient and calm.

Advice: this dog is better for those people, who can provide them with 2-3 walks a day and a backyard that a dog can walk around during a day.


On the whole, a Bocker is a great loving dog and perfect companion for adult people who need to be very responsible towards Bockers concerning their temperament and character, showing a dog a man’s leadership. Bocker is a dog for active people, a nice and reliable friend.

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Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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