6 Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Height Puppies


German shepherd is a favorite breed for many dog owners. As every breed dog German shepherd needs a lot of attention, love and care. Raising a puppy is the daily responsibility of the owner.

This article is about 6 month old puppies. You can find recommendations on how to take care of them in this period of their lifetime.

Changing of Character

A 6 month old German shepherds relate to the period of adolescence. It starts to assert itself and show increased independence. Your pet begins to show disobedience in cases where it gladly obeyed before. The owner should not let him behave so because it can to develop into a habit of willfulness.

Average Size, Weight and Height Puppies

In this period of life, puppies get their main growth. Pets are growing actively and their size becomes similar to an adult dog. The height increases in average by 10%, weight – 20-30%. The ears of a German shepherd are standing well. Also the change of teeth ends after 6 months.

Dog’s Training

The instinct of protection and defense is coming out at this time. So the owner needs to choose the system of training. Owners must remember that the key to the right training is practice, consistency and discipline. Then they will get the pet’s behavior as reward.

There are some recommendations how to train your pets:

  • trainings must be conducted only by the owner;
  • commands should be given only once. If a pet doesn’t understand the owner should show it;
  • owners should use dog’s name to catch its attention;
  • pets must be trained every day and an owner should spend more time for trainings;
  • also you can practice playing games with your pet;
  • you must reward each correct behaviour of your puppy.

Also it’s important to learn puppies to control biting. If your pet is going to bite you then give him a soft toy as an alternative.


Puppies’ feeding should be balanced to avoid problems with digestion. The diet should be varied. Eating includes meat, eggs, milk, vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, parsley etc.) and cereal. These products lead to the right formation of bones, systems and the whole body and is considered to be the best dog food.

Each puppy can be different, so it can be allergic to some kind of food. Your puppy will be healthy if you feed it at the same time each morning and evening.


Owners of German shepherd should be very attentive to their pets because there are some diseases that can lead to inhibited growth and even the death of puppies.

The most frequent ones are connected with unvaried diet or overfeeding and overstrain during trainings. Often puppies suffer from growth hormone deficiency. If you want to avoid such problems you need to visit the veterinarian and to pay more attention to your pets.


In summary, raising and training this breed of dog is a heavy burden, but if you manage to do it, you will get a loyal member of the family and best friend for a long time.

9 Photos of the 6 Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Height Puppies

Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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6 years ago

hello I have a7 month pupy german shepherd I imported from Ukraine,,the health is fien but he cannot walk straight see some difficiency in his feets back and front,,the back is like v shape the front are not straight when walking see opened more..and when after 5 minutes of walking or training he collapses..
can you tell me if you know such of a case,,due to what??thanks

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