Dachshund leg Problems – Reasons


Dachshunds have good health like most dogs of hunting breeds. However, due to the skeleton structure and characteristics of psychic and nervous system, a dachshund has a number of diseases.

It is sad to see your merry dachshund stays immovable. We will find out what leg problems can dachshunds have and how to avoid these diseases.

Reasons of Leg Problems

Dachshunds mostly have diseases of the spine. This is not surprising, if we observe its structure. Dachshunds’ body disproportionately long and their short legs have to keep a strong load.

There are other reasons that dachshunds are weak and suddenly begin to suffer of. The most common reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are:

  • the consequences of the injury;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the spine, among which discopathy leads.

The key to successful treatment is directly connected with the rapid and correct diagnosis. The worst effects of paralysis occur when the dog is not treated from what it is really sick. Its condition is getting worse from this treatment. It is not possible to determine the true cause of the disease by external signs without doing various analyses.

The Consequences of the Injury

Dachshunds are fighters and jumpers, they love to fight and jump from a large to their height growth. So they can injure their front or back legs; the last ones suffer more. All these playing can lead to the injury which at first stays insignificant, but then will increase and pinch the nerve. The time interval between injury and paralysis can be significant, and the owners have time to forget about the injury.

Advice: to reduce the chance of injury you should protect dachshunds from fights with big dogs and avoid jumping over high barriers. The dachshund should immediately been seen by a vet if the dog has injured, it is necessary to mention this fact, but not to insist that it is the only true cause of paralysis.

Diseases of Internal Organs

Dachshunds can have leg problems due to diseases of the heart, liver and urogenital system. This may be a consequence of micro-stroke and liver disease. If the urine and the blood system work normally and ultrasound of internal organs shows no pathological changes, so the whole problem is with the spinal cord.

Recommendation: if internal organ is pained, the treatment should be started with it. If you correct the cause of the disease, then your pet’s leg problems will be disappeared.

Diseases of the Spine

The most wide-spread disease among dachshunds is discopathy. It is associated with a genetic predisposition to the disease of the intervertebral discs.

Simple x-rays cannot show abnormalities of the discs, for accurate analysis and establishment of disease a special analysis – myelography is made. The paralysis can be either partial or complete, when the dog is completely immobile. It happens because of changes in the structure and tissues of the intervertebral discs which are deformed.

The sooner rescue will be provided to the dog, the more successful will be the prognosis of her recovery. Depending on the diagnosis medication in the form of injections is used. A more radical case is spine surgery, after which medical treatment is also continued.


To avoid such sad situations you should monitor your pet’s health and observe its diet. By the way, the diet of a dachshund should consist of vitamins and minerals which are important to keep it fit and healthy. If you do this, your dachshund will live a long and healthy life and be thankful for your care and love.

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Author of 1001doggy.com Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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