Beagle and Pug mix: Health Problems and Lifespan, Care and Maintenance

Appearance, Personality and Training

Puggle is artificial breed of dogs created by mix of beagle and pug. This crossbreed is interesting as it is impossible to predict how the puppies will look: all dogs are very different, including color and size.

In appearance puggle looks like a large, sports folded pug with a little stretched wrinkled black muzzle and floppy ears. The size of the nose can be different: short, like a pug or elongated like a beagle. Therefore, the dog of this breed breathe freely. The mixture has inherited from the pug its expressive eyes and “ring” tail. Weight of adult dog ranges from 6 to 13 kg, and the height – from 20 to 35 centimeters.

The coat is short, varies in colors from brown to black. Coloring varies depending on the characteristics of the parents. The second generation of puggle may have a variety of colors. A mix carries the best quality characteristics of the parents. This is an active, playful, curious dog, with friendly temperament towards other animals, but the most important thing – to children. In addition, it does not require a hard training.

Sometimes, the owner can be surprised by hunting instinct of the pet. In any case, mostly, the personality of the dog is faithful, hardy and clever dog.

Health Problems and Lifespan

In addition to the appearance and character, Puggle inherited from pug and beagle some features of health. According to breeders, the first-generation hybrids have longer lifespan opportunities and resistance to various diseases than their parents. Despite this, you should be careful with its nutrition.

It is important to make sure that she does not overeat, and the food was balanced. Otherwise, it expected the health problems associated with the work of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive organs.

Attention! Crossbreeds may have hip dysplasia, Perthes disease or epilepsy. Some individuals suffer from allergies.

Care and Maintenance

Puggle has short and thick wool, therefore, it does not require special care. It is proposed to comb the dog every week, but this procedure should be repeated more often.

Advice: In order not to irritate the skin, we recommend to bathe the dog with special shampoo no more than once a month.

To prevent plaque at least twice a week, the dog should be brushing its teeth. Accustom to this procedure from puppyhood. To stay active, maintain a good physical condition and mental health, the dog must make daily walks. Puggle’s hyperactivity inherited from his parents – a beagle. Therefore, the duration of vigorous walking can gradually increase from 15-30 minutes to an hour a puppy in the adult.

Warning! Do not walk under extreme weather conditions: both high and low temperatures may trigger the illness in your pet.
We recommend you: to use special clothing for dogs.

How to Feed

The owner of a dog of any breed has always a choice between dog food factory and domestic balanced diet.

We strongly recommend you: to increase the number of meat and offal.

The daily ration is necessary to include a variety of cereals from whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables in season, as well as vitamin and mineral mix.

Importantly! Do not feed with some Puggle greasy, spicy and salty foods. If you choose a food factory, go to address this issue with great seriousness and attention.

Only armed with the knowledge, approach the rack with the feed in a specialty store. Also, keep in mind that not all high-quality food is right for your dog. It is likely that it will have to pick up experimentally. When you make sure that your pet feels great, he has a good chair – is the right choice.

10 Photos of the Beagle and Pug mix: Health Problems and Lifespan, Care and Maintenance

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Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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