Hairstyles for Yorkshire Terriers

Haircuts for a yorkshire terrier
Introduction Yorkshire Terriers are well known for their long silky wood; thereby they are mostly used as exhibitory dogs. Therefore, a haircut is not just a necessity; it became more like a fashion statement. […]

Dog names for Yorkshire terriers

Dog names for a yorkshire terrier
Introduction Yorkshire terriers are active, intelligent, curious and cheerful dogs. They are ready to play and fool all day long with their beloved owner. Yorkshire terriers are quickly related to people and they are […]

Lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier

Lifespan of a yorkshire terrier
Life Expectancy Usually, choosing pet potential owner’s eager to know how long it will live as it effects on their further life for more than one decade. This also applies to York, but their […]

Yorkshire Terrier x Poodle

Poodle and yorkshire terrier mix
Introduction Yorkie Poo, a.k.a. Yoodle, Yourkapoo or Yourkerpoo is a crossbreed of Yorkshire Terrier and Toy/Miniature Poodle. It is a relatively young breed, which has been popular for about a decade, so most of […]

How to Groom a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terrier grooming tools
At Home Grooming a dog is a complex operation which includes brushing, bathing, teeth/nail/ear care and trimming. You can pretty much do all this at home on your own and it will be okay. […]

Yorkshire Terrier Training Tips

Yorkshire terrier agility training
Introduction Yorkshire Terrier Training is based on the same principles as the training of all other breeds. Yorkies are known for their cheerful and perky character. They are madly in love to their masters, […]

How to Potty Train the Yorkshire Terrier

Best way to potty train a Yorkshire Terrier
Introduction The training of Yorkshire terrier must begin as early as possible. It requires consistency and proper stability. Despite the fact that the Yorkshire terrier is a dog of small breed it always wants […]

Chihuahua Cross Yorkshire Terrier – Common Information and Pictures

Chihuahua vs yorkshire terrier
Introduction Popularization of Yorkies and Chihuahuas eventually led to the emergence of hybrids, so-called mestizo dogs. It includes Chorkie, which is the result of crossing two individuals of different species: Chihuahua and Yorkie. Both […]
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