American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull

Staffordshire terrier vs pitbull
Introduction The American Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull Terrier are often not distinguished, these species have considerable similarities. They were bred with a single purpose — to participate in dog fights. The first was a pitbull Terrier, which appeared at the end of the 19th century. But already on the threshold of the 20th century were the Staffords. The ancestors of the two breeds are shared, that’s why you can observe […]

The Best Dog GPS Collar

tracking dog collar
Dogs love to travel. Moreover, at the most inopportune time and with the most unpredictable consequences. With the help of a GPS tracker, you will not only determine the location of the dog on the map but also receive an SMS if the dog crosses certain boundaries. This is a great tool for owners who have been in a desperate situation many times and thought they had lost their beloved […]

American Pitbull terrier weight

American pitbull terrier weight
Introduction The legendary strength and incredible stamina, powerful bite and quick movements, exclusively developed intelligence, sociability and intelligence, even-tempered and affectionate nature and a big smile – all of it is a pitbull or American Pitbull Terrier. Currently, pit bulls are widely used as service dogs and companion dogs. The focus though was on the fighting breeds in the past. Now, these are loyal friends, very rarely showing aggression, even […]

American pitbull terrier red nose

Pitbull terrier red nose
Pitbull Terrier Varieties American pitbull terriers, interestingly, actually came from Britain a couple of centuries ago. This led to them being divided into multiple varieties, one of them is now known as “The Old Familiy” (or the “Red Nose Pitbull”). It originates from Ireland. Even before the dogs transferred to America, they already had some red coloring to them, including the well known red noses. And until now this distinct […]

Common Health Issues in Golden Retrievers

weak golden retriever
The Golden Retriever is an instantly recognizable breed. Its flowing golden fur and loyal and loving disposition make for a brilliant companion. Because of their friendly nature and tolerant attitude, these dogs also make great family pets even for those with young children. Golden Retrievers also have a high level of intelligence and can make great working dogs with typical roles including being a therapy dogs and service dogs. Advice: […]

Dog names for Yorkshire terriers

Dog names for a yorkshire terrier
Introduction Yorkshire terriers are active, intelligent, curious and cheerful dogs. They are ready to play and fool all day long with their beloved owner. Yorkshire terriers are quickly related to people and they are considered to be one of the most loyal and faithful dogs. If you decide to take the puppy of this breed – you have made the right choice. And the first thing we should do when […]

Lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier

Average life of a yorkshire terrier
Life Expectancy Usually, choosing pet potential owner’s eager to know how long it will live as it effects on their further life for more than one decade. This also applies to York, but their life expectancy is influenced by many factors, so it is rather difficult to say exactly how many live Yorkshire terriers. By standard, their average life is 13-16 years. Covering different sides of appropriate care, this article […]

My Shih Tzu Has Fleas

My shih tzu puppy has fleas
Fleas Fleas are a very common problem among all the dog breeds that exist. Those tiny parasites are very enduring and fast, they are very hard to notice. They live off animals’ (and even sometimes humans’) skin and hair. That is because they tend to favor more hot and dark areas on their owner’s body). While for some they are quite easy to get rid of, for small dogs (that […]

Yorkshire Terriers’ Pregnancy

Is my yorkshire terrier pregnant
Introduction The Yorkshire terrier is a breed of dogs that cannot live without care and maintenance of its owner, especially during the period of pregnancy. Pregnancy of the female Yorkshire terrier is always something unusual and exciting as they are quite slim creatures. Pregnancy is a complicated period in the life of any dog. During that period, Yorkshire terriers desperately need in professional help, so you should ask for help […]

Yorkshire Terrier Teeth

Cleaning yorkshire terrier teeth
Introduction The teeth of any dog, regardless of breed must be in perfect condition. The lack of proper care of the teeth of the pet may cause the emergence of dental calculus, cracking of enamel, yellow teeth, the appearance of unpleasant mouth odor and even falling out of teeth. Besides, if the owner wants his purebred pet to have a brilliant show career, special attention must be paid to oral […]

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