10 Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Training

When you take a little puppy home it’s cute and adorable, just like a human baby. Keep on with the analogy and wait until your baby becomes teenager. The adolescence phase lasts usually 2-4 month an starts between 8 and 12 months. So at 10 month average your dog will hit it’s “butthead” time. Appearance and Average Size Technically, he looks more like and adult dog then the puppy, but […]

2-Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Food Diet

Introduction Normally, the young dogs appear at the house at age between 7-9 weeks. Now, when you German Shepherd puppy is 2-month old, what should you do? How to feed him? Can any training be done already? Let’s go through some of this problems together. Average Size and Weight According to German Shepherd growth chart, your puppy should weight now about 20 lbs. if male, or 16,5 lbs. if female. […]

5-month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Height, Weight and Behavior

Your German Shepherd puppy reached 5 months, now, according to the growth chart, a male pup should weigh around 50,5 lbs. and a female should be about 45 lbs. How to take care of him and what is he ready to learn? Average Size and Height First, let’s talk about your puppy’s health. Many owners are worried if their dog is reaching the proper average size and height. Usually, the […]

Husky Skin Problems: Skin Parasites, Allergy and Bacterial Infection

It is quite a usual thing when a dog is scratching or itching. But sometimes husky can have some serious skin problems. In this case dogs may rub their nose and body what leads to wounds and hair-loss. Here you will need to identify the diseases and find the right way how to cure them. Common reasons of husky itching and scratching: skin parasites; allergy; bacterial infection. Skin Parasites The […]

When Your Husky is Pregnant: Duration, Symptoms and Advices for Caring

When your husky is getting pregnant, you would want to know that. This will help you to prepare for the birth and get ready to dog’s changes. There are some symptoms which signalize that you favorite pet is pregnant: change in appetite; fatigue; behavioral changes; gaining of weight; enlargement of nipples; vaginal discharge. Pregnancy Duration Siberian huskies are pregnant for approximately 63 days. Sometimes pregnancy duration may be longer or […]

Names for the Husky with Blue Eyes: Browse Best Names and Advice Choice Name

One of the most beautiful features that can has an appearance of the purebred Siberian Husky are those piercing blue eyes, crystal clear and magical. They bring many different associations: sky, sea, snow, ice. All these things can give you an inspiration when you’re browsing for the name for your Husky. Let me give you some examples of our favorite blue-eyed Husky names. Important! Make sure you know the meaning […]

Siberian Husky Newfoundland mix: Appearance, Temperament and Training

People who don’t know how the crossbreeds work might think that if they get a Newfoundland/Siberian Husky mixed puppy it will be with guarantee a giant Husky with Newfs cuddly personality. Honestly, this doesn’t work this way. If you cross two dogs of pure breed with each other, the puppies can inherit any qualities of any parent in any combination. So to get an idea what the Newsky will be […]

Choosing the Right Shampoo for Your Husky: Tips and Important Advices

Siberian huskies are usually very clean dogs but like any other huskies they like playing in mud, rain, snow, etc. After these games they get really dirty and here comes the question how to bathe them properly and which shampoo to choose. There are some special advices which will help you to make bathing process easier and less messy. Brushing Your Husky Brushing is one of the most important parts […]

How to Groom a Husky: Shedding and Trimming

Taking care of your husky properly is very important for its health. Many people assume that it is very difficult, but it is not. As far as huskies are very clean dogs, grooming will become an easy process and you will not spend too much time on it. Some owners compare Siberians with cats as huskies prefer keeping their bodies clean. Furthermore, they do not need too much bathing and […]

Names for Siberian Husky Female: Cool Names and Meanings

So you’ve got yourself a lovely blue-eyed puppy. Now she needs a name as cool and beautiful as the dog itself. With so many choices around you, it’s hard to make a decision. Let me give you some ideas, maybe you’ll see the name you’d love for your girl! AKC Rules If you plan to have a show dog it has to have an approved AKC name. There’re some simple […]

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