3 Month German Shepherds: Average Weight, Size and Height Puppies

What do we think, when someone says “German shepherd”? Well, mostly everyone will immediately think of very strong, beautiful and responsible dogs, that you can meet in K-9 units of Police. But even though it’s true that they are the dogs that defend people from dangers, search for toxic materials and etc, they don’t always do as such. Many German shepherds are just best friends of people, many more are […]

6 Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Height Puppies

Introduction German shepherd is a favorite breed for many dog owners. As every breed dog German shepherd needs a lot of attention, love and care. Raising a puppy is the daily responsibility of the owner. This article is about 6 month old puppies. You can find recommendations on how to take care of them in this period of their lifetime. Changing of Character A 6 month old German shepherds relate […]

German Shepherd Mix with Rottweiler: Average Size, Temperament and Other Characteristics

Introduction Nobody knows who bred this wonderful breed first. A lot of breeds are being breed and, although, at first, it became popular in the USA, it’s spread throughout the world lately. Some breeders work responsibly; some just want to get more money. We will talk about great breed mix of German shepherd with Rottweiler. Let’s look at information about both breeds separately. German Shepherd Information At the turn of […]

How to Сare for Newborn German Shepherd’s Puppies: Temperature Control and Feeding

Introduction If you’re inexperienced with newborn puppies, you might think there’s nothing for you to do there when the mother is present and well. On one hand that is true – that’s the way the things go in nature. On the other hand – not all of the pups survive their first weeks in natural environment. You’d like to keep the surviving chances of those babies as high as possible? […]

Common German Shepherd Stomach Problems: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction As many of purebred dogs German Shepherd has a list of the diseases he is prone to. But the most common problem of this dog comes from the fact that he has an extremely sensitive stomach. So let’s see what issues might arise from this. Twisted Stomach: Symptoms and Treatment This is very serious condition, painful and potentially life-threatening. It’s affecting many large size deep chested dogs. The condition […]

German Shepherd Malamute Mix: Appearance, Temperament and Training

Introduction Purebreds can be mixed for various reasons – to make an interestingly looking dog, to enhance some character features or to improve breeds health. One thing you should remember when going for the mixed breeds is that in the first generation the chances to get any parents features are exactly 50%-50%. But there’re hybrids that proved to be so good that the breeders started crossing the newly bred dogs […]

Best Dog Brush for German Shepherds: How Often Should to Brush and How to Groom Your Dog at Home

If you have ever owned a German Shepherd, you should already know it, if you just got yourself a puppy you’ll discover it soon enough. German Shepherds shed. A lot. All the time. Not twice a year, not once a month. Every day. Obviously, it’s not a dog for allergic people, but even if you are not – you need to choose the best grooming brush for your dog to […]

How to Potty Train a German Shepherd: How Long, Timing and Problems

Introduction German Shepherd is an extremely clever dog and very susceptible to training, especially if it’s properly done at the young age. So, let’s go together through some tips about potty training for your puppy, to make this process painless for everyone involved. Important! Very first thing you have to take care of is to make it clear to the dog that elimination inside the house is completely off limits. […]

7 Weeks Old German Shepherd: Feeding Puppies and Food Diet

You picked German Shepherd to be your perfect pet? Very good choice, I must say. When should you take a puppy home and what to expect raising it? I’ll tell you what I know about it. 7 Weeks of Age The best period to adopt the new puppy is 7-9 weeks, this is a perfect time to socialize a dog. But we’ll come back to this. First, you have to […]

Black Spot on German Shepherds Tongue: Infections and Disease Treatment

Oh my god, what are those black spots on my dog’s tongue? Is it a sickness, is it a mixed breed indicator, should I do anything about them? Let’s go through the most possible causes of those markings on your pet’s tongue. Pure Breed or Not? The dots on the tongue can be a sign that lets you to figure out the lineage of your dog. Relax, it doesn’t mean […]
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