Dog Names for Dachshunds – How to Choose


A dachshund is a smart and sensitive dog which stays devoted to its owner. And the best way to thank her for its love every owner should choose for his pet a beautiful name.

There are a lot of dog names. An owner should choose the name for his pet very carefully because a dachshund will live throughout its life with this name. Also, the pet should like its name, so this mission which seems easy at first thought, can become the headache of dog’s owner for several days or weeks.

How to Choose the Name?

Choosing a name for your dachshund you need to focus on her appearance and character.

There are some rules which can help you to think about your pet’s future name in a right direction:

  • Choose short names consisting of a maximum two syllables. It is believed that a dog hears only the first syllable of its name.
  • Do not give the dog the name that unclear for the perception. If you use a foreign word for as your puppy’s name you have to know its translation.
  • It is better not to overdo with a sense of humor and give a dog ridiculous name.
Advice: call your dachshund the beautiful and cute name, emphasizing the beauty of her character. It is noticed that for the active puppies you should choose good sonorous names with voiced consonants at the beginning of the name.

Names for Male

You can find or create a lot of beautiful names for dachshund boys. Usually small dogs are given names that show their miniature size, but for dachshunds the choice of nicknames is larger.

You should remember! A dachshund is an alert guard, a talented hunter, playful and intelligent friend.

So, the following names will be perfect for your dachshund boy:

  • Jim
  • Jeffry
  • Tyson
  • Theodore
  • Gray
  • Graff
  • Milan
  • etc.

The cute names for male dachshunds are:

  • Max
  • Chip
  • Roy
  • Danny
  • Jazz
  • Jeremy
  • etc.
Recommendation: choosing human’s names for dogs is not recommended, in order to avoid some embarrassing situations.

Names for Female

There are a plenty of names for dachshund girl. The most popular ones are:

  • Adele
  • Jeena
  • Della
  • Nora
  • Jibbie
  • Martha
  • Teena
  • Agatha
  • Josy
  • etc.

Dachshund girls are very loyal and lovely, so often the owners give them cute names. A dachshund girl can be named after a foreign singer or famous actress because these dogs are very artistic and plastic. Also names of geographical objects are an interesting choice.

Unusual Names

You can choose an unusual name for your dachshund which will make your pet unique. You can create it with a combination of letters, for example, collecting the first letters of family members’ names. Another good method is to open a dictionary or encyclopedic dictionary of foreign words. This way can show your knowledge when you explain the meaning of your dachshund’s name.

Also you can use your imagination and create your own name for your puppy. Certainly, it should not be a simple set of letters, but a meaningful combination. The important fact is that the name should be positive. If you can do this, your puppy will be much happier and funny.

9 Photos of the Dog Names for Dachshunds – How to Choose

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Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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