Rottweiler and Husky Mix: Appearance, Character and Training

Out of all the Husky mix dogs Rottsky is one of the most beautiful. What is Rottsky you ask? It’s a crossbreed between Siberian Husky and Rottweiler. This hybrid is recognized by the International Canine Registry (IDCR) and Designer Breed Registry (DBR). Let me tell you more about this amazing mix.

Important! Remember that the crossbred dogs have the features of both parents and each individual puppy can be different in looks and character.


Usually the Rottsky puppies inherit the coloring of the Rottweiler, with its black or dark brown coat with lighter patches, but it can also have Huskies grey, white and other colors incorporated. The coat is usually fluffier and longer than Rottweilers. The head is more Rottweiler shape with partially dropped or standing ears.

Husky can give this puppy his piercing blue eyes. Also heterochromia is quite usual for this mix, this means that one eye is clear blue and another is brown.

It is hard to predict the future size of the dog, as the weight of the puppy can vary from 50 to 100 pounds. The heights can be from 21 to 26 inches tall.


It’s a little bit easier to predict Rottsky temperament, as both parents have a lot of similar characteristics. The features you can count on are: intelligence, independency, bravery, alertness, loyalty and sociality. Some of the Rottsky are very outgoing and friendly, while the others might prefer a familiar company.

But the puppy will love you and be protective with a guarantee. It’s very important to get them to socialize with different people and other dogs from the young age.

Advice! Always keep an open eye on Rottsky next to small children, they are not aggressive but can get annoyed.


Rottsky inherits stubbornness and independency from both its parents, so it absolutely needs proper training. This task can be a bit difficult, so be ready to spend enough time and nerves. Remember the value of positive reinforcement and treats for the dog, make shorter sessions through the day instead of one long and you will see the training work miracles for the puppy.


Both parents of Rottsky are really active dogs, so subsequently Rottsky needs a lot of exercise and time outside. They like every activity – trekking, swimming, playing catch. Make sure Rottsky gets enough time to burn its energy during the day and you’ll have no problems with your furniture being destroyed by bored dog.


Rottsky comes from the two breeds that do not have any specific health issues, so most likely your puppy should be relatively healthy. This breed needs just simple medical care and annual checkups with veterinary. The average lifespan of Rottsky is 10-13 years.

As for the price, these puppies came in a range from $200 to $400 and they are absolutely worth it.

8 Photos of the Rottweiler and Husky Mix: Appearance, Character and Training

Author of Silvia Brown
Written by Silvia Brown
Glad to see you, my friends! I started this blog several years ago as a hobby and continue to write articles about dogs.
I'm a dog lover and the proud owner of two wonderful dogs: French Bulldog Maya and Beagle Tom. It's been more than 10 years since I had a dogs and worked closely with them. I've raised four dogs throughout my life and have experience assisting in the births of two dogs. At least once a week, I volunteer with friends at a dog shelter AMA Animal Rescue and Animal Care Centers of NYC in NY.

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