Great Pyrenees and Husky mix: The Common and Different Traits of Pyr/Husky

Husky Pyrenees
Introduction The great Pyrenees husky mix is a medium-sized to large dog. It can have traits of either or both great Pyrenees and Siberian husky. Basically, it can vary from one dog to another, […]

Chow Chow and Husky mix: Appearance, Lifespan and Character

Chow chow Husky mix for sale
How it Came from? As a rule, mixed breed dogs means that the representative of the parents were thoroughbred, but from different species. There is a belief that the mestizo are the best purebred […]

Beagle and Pug mix: Health Problems and Lifespan, Care and Maintenance

Beagle and Pug mix for sale
Appearance, Personality and Training Puggle is artificial breed of dogs created by mix of beagle and pug. This crossbreed is interesting as it is impossible to predict how the puppies will look: all dogs […]

6 Month Beagle Puppy: Physical Appearance, Weight and Size

6 month old Beagle training
Introduction The beagle is a well-proportioned and well-muscled hound dog. If you look at a dog of this breed, you will get the impression of nobility without coarseness. The beagle was bred specifically for […]

10 Week Old German Shepherd: Weight and Size, Behavior

10 week old black German Shepherd puppy
10 Weeks Old When a puppy reaches 10 weeks of age, or about 2.5 months, it is fully ready to begin training and likely should. If you’ve established bite inhibition, moving on to other […]

Siberian Husky and Golden Retriever mix: Appearance, Temperament and Health Concerns

Golden Retriever Siberian Husky mix for sale
Introduction Goberian or Goldie (Siberian Husky and Golden Retriever mix) is one of dog lovers favourite cross-breeds of all time. This social and very active pet is a designer dog that looks like a […]

Beagle and Poodle mix: Size, Temperament and Care

Beagle poodle mix for sale
Who are the Metises? MĂ©tises are the dogs who were born from two different breeds. The word itself already says that it’s a mixed breed. Most often the term is used for the dogs, […]

Beagle and a Boxer Mix: Appearance and Size, Lifespan and Health Issues

Beagle basset boxer mix
Introduction Boggle (Bogle) is a new breed designed by the way of crossing Beagle and Boxer. This breed was firstly originated in the USA and has become very popular among dog lovers due to […]

9 Week Beagle Puppy: Health and Care, Correct diet

How big is a 9 week old Beagle puppy
Introduction 9-week old Beagle puppy is a small and curious creature whose life spins around play, sleep and meal. During this time, it is crucial for a dog owner to provide a puppy with […]

Food for German Shepherd Puppy: Quality Nutrition and Feed Recommendations

What is the best puppy food for German Shepherds
Introduction German shepherds are very active, agile and smart dogs,  and to unleash their full potential they require  special nutrition.   Several other factors should be also taken into consideration when  choosing the food for […]

Beagle Collie Mix: Appearance and Size, Lifespan and Health Issues

Beagle border collie mix puppies
Introduction The Border Beagle (originated in the USA) is a new breed that has been created by means of crossing Beagle and Border Collie. The Border Beagle has immediately gained a wide popularity among […]
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