German Shepherd and Poodle Mix: The Temper and Behaviour of the Hybrid

Introduction The Poodle was one of the first dogs used for intended crossbreeding, and it remains the most popular parent for designer dog breeds. The German Shepherd – Poodle mix or Shepadoodle is also a product of the bold experiment. While Poodle Club of America disapproves of mating Poodles with other dogs, this mix can be surprisingly sympathetic, smart and cute. How Does the Mix Dog Look Like? As usual, […]

Boxer and German Shepherd Mix: Average Size and Weight, Body Proportions and Temperament

Introduction It often happens that German Shepherd mates with the dog of the different breed. While World Canine Organization disapproves crossbreeding, it helped to create many modern dog races with unique qualities. Today we shall talk about Boxer – German Shepherd mix and explain what to expect from such hybrid. How do Dog Mixes Look Like? The most intriguing part of the metis is exterior. It’s hard to predict because […]

4 Month Old German Shepherd: Weight, Size and Food Diet

4 Months of Age Before your German shepherd puppy has reached 4 months of age, you should have already nailed down such things like it’s diet, probably your dog should already live separated from it’s mother, and certainly you should have became it’s best friend. If that completely describes your situation, then you are standing on a good path. Remember, that your pup is your best friend, and treat him […]

German Shepherd Pitbull Mix: Interesting Facts and Common Information

A German Shepherd Pitbull Mix, as you can presume is a result of interbreeding between a German Shepherd and a Pitbull. To understand the peculiarities of the hybrid dog, let’s find out the main features of its basic breeds. Highlights The German Shepherd Pitbull Mix, also known as a “Shepherd Pit” can have a range of characteristics depending on their genetic makeup and upbringing. However, some potential highlights of this […]

German Shepherd Eye Problems: Diseases and Treatment

Introduction Each breed of dogs has typical diseases which may develop regardless of master’s care and dog’s health. The German shepherd eye problems are often expected, and may become dangerous if not detected in time. Today we shall explain the main symptoms to worry about and consider the treatment. Is the Eye OK? The healthy German Shepherd eye is shining, clear, with no or little red vessels on the white […]

3 Month German Shepherds: Average Weight, Size and Height Puppies

What do we think, when someone says “German shepherd”? Well, mostly everyone will immediately think of very strong, beautiful and responsible dogs, that you can meet in K-9 units of Police. But even though it’s true that they are the dogs that defend people from dangers, search for toxic materials and etc, they don’t always do as such. Many German shepherds are just best friends of people, many more are […]

6 Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Height Puppies

Introduction German shepherd is a favorite breed for many dog owners. As every breed dog German shepherd needs a lot of attention, love and care. Raising a puppy is the daily responsibility of the owner. This article is about 6 month old puppies. You can find recommendations on how to take care of them in this period of their lifetime. Changing of Character A 6 month old German shepherds relate […]

German Shepherd Mix with Rottweiler: Average Size, Temperament and Other Characteristics

Introduction Nobody knows who bred this wonderful breed first. A lot of breeds are being breed and, although, at first, it became popular in the USA, it’s spread throughout the world lately. Some breeders work responsibly; some just want to get more money. We will talk about great breed mix of German shepherd with Rottweiler. Let’s look at information about both breeds separately. German Shepherd Information At the turn of […]

How to Сare for Newborn German Shepherd’s Puppies: Temperature Control and Feeding

Introduction If you’re inexperienced with newborn puppies, you might think there’s nothing for you to do there when the mother is present and well. On one hand that is true – that’s the way the things go in nature. On the other hand – not all of the pups survive their first weeks in natural environment. You’d like to keep the surviving chances of those babies as high as possible? […]

Common German Shepherd Stomach Problems: Symptoms and Treatment

IntroductionLike many purebred dogs, German Shepherds have a list of diseases they are prone to. However, the most common issue for this breed stems from their extremely sensitive stomachs. Let’s explore the potential problems that can arise. Twisted Stomach: Symptoms and TreatmentThis is a very serious condition—painful and potentially life-threatening. It affects many large, deep-chested dogs. The condition is usually related to swallowed air and can obstruct veins in the […]

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