German Shepherd Eye Problems: Diseases and Treatment

Introduction Each breed of dogs has typical diseases which may develop regardless of master’s care and dog’s health. The German shepherd eye problems are often expected, and may become dangerous if not detected in […]

Black Spot on German Shepherds Tongue: Infections and Disease Treatment

Oh my god, what are those black spots on my dog’s tongue? Is it a sickness, is it a mixed breed indicator, should I do anything about them? Let’s go through the most possible […]

2-Month Old German Shepherd: Average Size, Weight and Food Diet

Introduction Normally, the young dogs appear at the house at age between 7-9 weeks. Now, when you German Shepherd puppy is 2-month old, what should you do? How to feed him? Can any training […]

When Your Husky is Pregnant: Duration, Symptoms and Advices for Caring

When your husky is getting pregnant, you would want to know that. This will help you to prepare for the birth and get ready to dog’s changes. There are some symptoms which signalize that […]

My Shih Tzu Has Very Dry Itchy Skin: Causes and Treatment

Shih Tzu dry skin dandruff
Shih Tzu is a dog that requires very careful and attentive relation. Due to its long hair these type of breed sometimes may occur some skin problems such as itching or dandruff. In this […]

My Shih Tzu is Vomiting: Causes and Treatment

My Shih Tzu is vomiting yellow bile
It is no doubt that seeing how your pet is vomiting is not one of the most pleasant things. However, dogs are alive organisms and like human beings may be in situations of food […]

Shih Tzu Spaying Surgery: Pros and Cons

Shih Tzu spaying
Introduction The word spaying means removing female reproductive organs ovaries; oviducts; uterus; uterine horns. A spayed (neutered) dog cannot produce sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and therefore lacks the ability to reproduce. This procedure […]

Shih Tzu Skin Problems: Treatment and Proper Care

Shih Tzu skin allergies
Keeping of the Shih Tzu is not an easy task, as the representatives of this breed require constant care, attention and attendance. This means regular hygienic procedures and good nutrition. Wrong hair and skin […]

Shih Tzu Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Cancer in Shih Tzu
Introduction Death. Alas, death is something that no living being can avoid. Nowadays cancer is considered as one of the most widely-spread causes of death, but not many people know cancer affects dogs too. […]

Shih Tzu Eye Problems: Infection, Care and Discharge

Shih Tzu eye care
Introduction As we all know, keeping a dog’s eyes healthy is crucially important. Of course, this is also true for the Shih Tzu breed. A big, pushed-in-face eyeball of these toy dogs is the […]

Homemade Shih Tzu Food Recipes: How to Make for Puppy with Allergies

Homemade food recipes for Shih Tzu
Introduction In spite that lots of different ready-to-eat dog foods can be easily found in stores, some owners prefer to cook their own. The point is that dog lovers sometimes have doubts about manufactured […]
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