Cocker Spaniel Pregnancy Information

Cocker spaniel pregnancy information
Introduction Cocker spaniel’s pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks, but sometimes there is premature birth, or delivery can be delayed by about a week. But there is no reason for the owner to worry, the main thing is to prepare all necessary things for a difficult birth in advance. If it is done correctly, everything will be alright. Proper care for the female cocker spaniel during pregnancy is very important. The […]

Potty Training a Cocker Spaniel

How to potty train a cocker spaniel
Introduction Well-bred cocker spaniel will become a true friend and a real helper to its owner. Extremely active and movable cockers differ in the same mobile intelligence. They literally catch everything on fast: thrown toys, given commands, and even thoughts of the owner, understanding him perfectly. Often the education and training of the cocker spaniel becomes an exciting game that brings you a lot of joy and new discoveries about […]

Cocker Spaniel Eye Problems

American cocker spaniel eye infection
Introduction A Cocker Spaniel, as well as other purebreds, has a genetic predisposition to certain illnesses and conditions. It is crucial for a Spaniel owner to spot the early symptoms of an eye disease and visit a vet doctor before the problem becomes irretrievable. Why Do the Eye Problems Occur? Some of the eye diseases that can affect your Cocker Spaniel can be hereditary, or may be caused by a […]

American Pitbull Terrier Blue Nose

Blue nose american Pitbull Terrier puppies for sale
Introduction Today we introduce you to another very ambiguous breed which is the American Pitbull Terrier. Why ambiguous? It is because the debate about it wouldn’t cease at the highest level in the “world of breeders”. Moreover, officially this breed does not exist! Surprised? Now you’ll be surprised even more… Stunning fact number two is that the American pitbull Terriers are prohibited to be breeded in Western Europe. What scared […]

Good Cocker Spaniel Names

Cocker spaniel names male puppy
Introduction Every dog owner always tries to find a name for a puppy that will be cool, fairly unusual and have some distinct meaning. Moreover, a name should sound easy and natural. In this article we are going to collect the most beautiful and uncommon names for male and female puppies. Some of the nicknames will be cute, some serious and some just easy and funny. So, it is a […]

Best Shampoo for Cocker Spaniels

Shampoo for my cocker spaniel
Introduction That is not to say, that a Cocker Spaniel is easy to groom. This breed has its own peculiarities concerning fur and skin care: a Cocker Spaniel is a spotting breed that is bred to flush game in the field. So, fetching a duck, a Cocker soaks its fur in water, mud and debris. a Cocker’s coat has weatherproofing oils that protect its fur and skin. Washing your dog […]

German Shepherd Pregnancy Information: How long is a German Shepherd Pregnant, Signs, Care and Food

Introduction At some point in time, either expressly, or accidentally, German shepherd females might get pregnant. It is stated, that you should breed German shepherds only after a female has reached 2 years of age, or passed the 2nd heat. Otherwise, you are doing it at your own risk! Then you might ask: “How long does it take for pregnancy to end?” And the answer depends on some factors. But […]

Cocker Spaniel Shedding

Cocker spaniel shedding
Information One can describe the coat of a Cocker Spaniel like this: it is medium to long, with long and silky hairs on the top of the body and a soft short undercoat below it. This type of the coat needs some special attention: every Cocker Spaniel owner shouldn’t neglect usual grooming and bathing activities to make his dog look perfect. In this article we will give you all the […]

Australian Labradoodle – Appearance and Life Expectancy

Introduction Australian Labradoodle in an Australian hybrid of Labrador Retriever and Poodle firstly originated in 1988. Today, an Australian Labradoodle is multi-generation dog recognized by the Labradoodle Association of Australia and the International Australian Labradoodle Association, Inc. Appearance and Life Expectancy Actually, Australian Labradoodles don’t differ much from American Labradoodles. They come in 2 sizes: Standard: 55-60 cm at the shoulder, 27-35 kilos. Miniature: 44-56 cm at the shoulder, 14-25 […]

Taking Care of a Labradoodle

Introduction Once you buy or adopt a Labradoodle, you should always provide it with love and care. In this article we are going to tell you how to take care of a Labradoodle to keep it healthy and happy. Feeding Feeding is one of the most important issues in bringing up a healthy Labradoodle, since these dogs are predisposed to food allergies. A Labradoodle owner should choose a high-quality hypoallergenic […]

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