Beagle and Jack Russell Terrier mix: Size and Weight, Temperament and Lifespan

Beagle jack russell terrier mix puppies
Size and Weight The mix of Beagle and Jack Russell Terrier is also called Jack-A-Bee. It is a small to medium seize dog with the height being up to 16 inches and weight being from around Jack Russell’s 13 to Beagle’s 30 pounds weight borders. Temperament and Lifespan As usual, the mix cobines the psychological traits of pure breeds. For the Jack-A-Bee the mix derives intelligence, independence from both pure […]

4 Month Old Labrador Retriever: Size, Weight and How to Feed 4-Month Old Puppy

4 month old chocolate labrador retriever
Introduction 4 month old Labrador retriever is a cute, active and very curious puppy who keeps on to discover the surrounding world. A Labrador retriever of this particular age needs special and careful attention from a dog owner: well-balanced diet, moderate training and in-time vet examinations should be a must. Size and Weight As a rule, 4-months old Labrador puppy is rather big and heavy dog: it’s average size is […]

Collie Labrador Retriever mix: Appearance and Size, Temperament and Health Care

Labrador retriever mixed with border collie
Introduction The Borador is a medium to large sized dog that results from a Border collie and Labrador retriever crossbreeding. This breed was firstly originated in the USA and at once has become very popular as a perfect pet show dog and also as a loyal companion for a man. The aim of this article is to give the general info about the Borador in respect of its exterior, temperament, […]

6 Month Old Labrador Retriever: Size and Weight, Training and Behavior

Labrador retriever size at 6 months
Introduction 6 month old Labrador retriever is a cute, active and very curious puppy who keeps on to discover the outside world. A Labrador retriever of this particular age needs special and careful attention from a dog owner: well-balanced diet, moderate training and in-time vet examinations should be a must. Size and Weight 6 month old Labrador puppy is already a big and strong dog: it’s average size is 50-55 […]

9 Week Old German Shepherd: Weight and Size, Training

9 week old German Shepherd ears
9 Weeks Old If you’ve got a German Shepherd puppy that is around 9 weeks old, then there are many concerns you need to care for. There’s the problem of biting, correct feeding, and training. Apart from that, your dog should very soon (if not already) separate from its mother’s care and live its own life. This also means that you will have to care for the puppy even more […]

Husky Hip Dysplasia: Follicular Dystrophy and Health Safeguard for Huskies

Follicular dystrophy dysplasia Husky
Husky Breed Husky is a medium size dog, a very active and strong one. It is recognizable by its beautiful eyes, like drawn with a dark pencil, thick and furred double coat (a soft undercoat and tough topcoat), its energetic nature and distinctive marketing. As its ancestors dwelled in extremely chilly conditions in the environment that is harsh and snowbound, these dogs are extremely hard working, robust and vigorous. Being […]

Interesting Facts about Siberian Huskies: General Knowledge and Some Training Tips for Owners

Interesting facts about Siberian Huskies
Introduction They say every breed has its purpose. So, the Siberian Husky was bred a long time ago in northeastern Asia in order to help people to live in harsh conditions: dogs must have pulled heavy sleds across snowbound areas in chilly and windy conditions. As its ancestors were strong and hardy, modern Huskies are the same. However, not only Chukchi Eskimos want to be the owners of these beautiful […]

Difference Between Huskies and Malamutes: Appearance and Traits of Сharacter, Training

Difference between Husky malamute
Introduction In the severe, snow-covered areas, where vehicles cannot be used dogs have become people’s best friends. They not only share the loneliness at cold nights, also they are essential helpers. If you want to deliver any goods in friable, deep snow, there will not be anyone better than dogs. There are two types of sled dogs: the Alaskan malamute and the Siberian husky. They look very similar. People who […]

Husky Eye Problems: Various Eye Diseases and Treatment

Husky eyes red
Dog Eyes Dogs are very sensitive and patient animals. They will feel, hear and see everything that happens around them at any time of day. Their senses are by far the most important thing they have, and that is why people use them in military and police. But sometimes one of the senses may cease to work properly, perhaps because of an illness or damage. One of those senses is […]

How to Wash a Beagle: Bath Time and Shampoo Choice

How to wash a Beagle puppy
General Care The Beagle is a dog which is not too complicated to look after. Grooming must comply with the requirements for the breed. Beagle, for example, needs periodical combing and washing, if it’s rolled in something unpleasant (quite common!). Your dog should be trained from an early age to be cleaned (washed) its feet after each walk, as well as you should trim its claws. Cleaning eyes and ears […]

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