Teacup Dog Breeds

Introduction Teacup dogs are becoming more and more popular among those, who prefer toy breeds and even smaller ones. Teacup breeds are miniature enough to fit a standard teacup (and this is not a joke), are very cute and, of course, portable. In this article we are going to tell you about the most popular teacup dog breeds. Actually, what is a Teacup Dog? There are many opinions on this […]

Cocker Spaniel Teeth Problems

Cocker spaniel tooth loss
Introduction Not all people who have decided to get a dog know that their baby teeth interchange into permanent teeth, like people’s ones. The teeth are very important for any dog. During growth, they give a lot of discomfort to the pet and require careful attention. For show dogs, it is also important to have a full set of teeth and a correct bite. So, owners should always pay plenty […]

Russian Dog Breeds

Russian dog breeds
Introduction There are about 21 identified and recognized dog breeds originated in Russia. Among them are sled dogs, hunting dogs, sight hounds, herding dogs and guard dogs. In this article we are going to introduce you to the most well-known dog breeds from Russia. Black Russian Terrier Black Russian Terrier firstly originated in the USSR in 1940s as the result of 17 breeds mixing. Mainly it was used as military […]

Brindle Dog Breeds

Brindle dogs
Introduction Brindle coats (or coats with tiger stripes) are regarded as really beautiful and they are accepted as the official coat color in many breeds. Short-haired dog breeds are more likely to have brindle coat pattern than long-haired ones, also, some breeds are prone to ‘tiger striped’ fur. We are going to depict the most popular dog breeds that may have brindle coats. Treeing Tennessee Brindle For the first time, […]

Skin Tags on Dogs – Causes and Removing

Dog skin tag
Introduction Skin tags, also known as fibropapillomas and achrochordons, are rather common in dogs. In fact, skin tags are benign growth that are growing out of the body and usually discovered accidentally. How Do the Skin Tags Look Like? Dog skin tags look like little tabs of flesh that may grow on the muzzle, chest, armpits and legs. To the touch, skin tags are soft and fleshy, they bend and […]

Do Female Dogs Get Periods?

Do female dogs get periods
Introduction Do female dogs get periods? The answer is yes, but it is not the same as what a human woman experiences. Some people, who buy or adopt female dogs never consider this issue and then have ruined carpets and furniture, unexpected litters and what is the worst – their female dog may run away during the ‘period’. In this article we are going to provide female dog owners with […]

Can Dogs Get Hiccups?

Do dogs get hiccups
Introduction Hiccups are quite normal for puppies. Dogs can hiccup due to overeating or a strong fright. In some cases it is almost impossible to find an obvious reason. Moreover, breeders sometimes do not notice hiccups of their pet. In fact, this phenomenon is a reflex convulsive breath during which the diaphragm is sharply reduced. Information Dogs’ hiccups are evident humans’ ones. It is a spasmodic contraction of diaphragmatic muscles. […]

Strongest Dog in the World

Strong dogs
Introduction Today the popularity of small breeds of dogs is significantly increased, but more and more people want to get a strong dog of large size. Many are interested in big breeds and take a strong pet that can be their friend and at the same time protect their house. Everyone who was interested in a similar question thought about the strongest dog in the world. In this topic, we […]

Guard Dog Breeds – Top-10 Best

Guard dogs
Introduction Guard dogs are the best home guards. The dogs are attentive, with a strong desire to control and protect their territory. In this article we will review the best guard dogs and decide which of them will suit to your requirements. Top-10 Best There is a list of best guard breeds which characteristics will help you to get more information about them: Caucasian shepherd dog. Is a popular breed […]

Broken Dog Tail – The Reasons and Treatment

Dog broken tail
Introduction Often dog owners can observe strange behavior of their pet and the specific condition of the tail. Friendly dog suddenly becomes aggressive and nervous. The tail looks unnatural, slightly bulged, or it looks strange: this is a clear indication that its structure is broken or damaged. In some cases, the injured segment of the tail is healing. The consequences of fractures can have a serious impact on the overall […]

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