Dachshund Dental Care

Clean Dachshund teeth
Introduction Dental care for a Dachshund (as well as for other breeds) is an important part of general dog care since teeth play a significant role in the life of every dog: with the help of teeth they fetch toys and balls, nibble marrowbones and dry food, thus using dentition in as many daily activities as possible. Teeth are one of the main dog “organs” that make it strong and […]

Dachshund Dalmatian Mix – Common Information

Dachshund x Dalmation
Dachshund and Dalmatian mix (also called Dachsation, Dalmachshund) is a recent crossbreed that has been firstly originated in the USA. How Does a Dachsation Look Like? Dachsations can be small as their Dachshund parents (especially, if there is miniature or rabbit Dachshund) or become rather medium-sized dogs as standard or even bigger. Adult Dachsation may have oblong, slim and cobby body, as well as inherit more massive Dalmatian body. The […]

How Can I Potty Train Jack Russell Terrier: How Long, Timing and Problems

How to potty train jack russell terrier puppies
Introduction Having a dog is connected with the range of difficulties and training your Jack Russell Terrier to potty may become one of them. As far as Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent dogs, teaching process will not take too many efforts, you will just need some time and patience. Of course, it is much easier to train your pet when he/she is just a puppy; but even if you […]

Best Food for Jack Russell Terrier: Homemade Food and Dog Food from Stores

How much food should jack russell terrier eat
Introduction Creating a perfect diet for your Jack Russell Terrier can become a serious contest because not all products can be suitable for the dog. In addition, the problem is that this breed can be rather finicky and may not like some food. Sometimes it may take several weeks until your pet realizes that he/she wants something different. The point is that usually the pet asks for the food which […]

Labrador Retriever Pregnancy: Symptoms and Signs, Care and Food

Dog pregnancy labrador retrievers
Introduction Labrador Retrievers are among the most popular dogs, so you can benefit from breeding your Labrador. But even if you do not consider any profit gain from this and just want to share puppies of this magnificent breed, you have to implement some special care for your dog and puppies to be alive and healthy. Symptoms Youd need to ensure your Lab is healthy and is not prone to […]

Labrador Retriever Average Size and Weight

Average weight labrador retriever puppy
Introduction Labrador retriever is a big, strong and healthy dog with well-build and athletic body. The average height of an adult Labrador retriever is about 54-58 cm at the shoulder and it weighs from 30 to 40 kilos. Its chest girt is 70-86 cm, head girt is 45-56 cm, muzzle girt is 28-32 cm and the front pastern girt is 11-14 cm. Be careful! The first index shows exterior properties […]

Cancer Labrador Retrievers: Common Types Cancer and Signs

Labrador retriever cancer symptoms
Introduction According to veterinarians about 30% of male dogs and 50% female dogs older than the age of 10 suffer from such fatal disease as cancer, which causes a lot of pain and terror, leave alone decreasing the life expectancy of a poor pet. Common Types Cancer Dogs can have the same cancer forms as humans. The only difference is in the rate of spread of the disease. For example, […]

Best Names for the Labrador Retrievers: Browse Popular and Unusual Names

Male yellow labrador retriever names
Introduction The Labrador is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is really impossible not to fall in love with this incredibly friendly, sociable and very obedient dog. In fact, this breed has a lot of positive qualities, furthermore, it is pretty much universal and it can be taken by almost everyone, so it is usually easier to name the Labrador than dogs of some other […]

Labrador Retriever Swimming Ability: What Makes them the Best Dog “Swimmers”

Labrador retriever swimming pool
Introduction Labrador have a special and innate passion for water. They can easily swim and even dive. It is in their blood, i.e. they do not need learning to swim. Labradors can swim at a speed of more than five kilometers per hour. It is hard to believe, but it is two times faster than the ducks do! Now you may have several questions like “is it real”? How long […]

How Do I Potty Train a Labrador Retriever: Techniques and Useful Tips

Labrador retriever puppy potty training
Introduction Labradors grow into large, powerful dogs. The owners are responsible for ensuring that their dog had behaved properly, no one interfered or threatened. Well-bred Labrador should be obedient to its owner at any time and predictably behave in everyday surroundings, in the city on public transport or in a restaurant. It is important to get the dog nearby you. If you meet a stranger and your Labrador is not […]
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